Sponsorship AND donation

Sponsorship Premium

  • Sponsorship Premium [ 50,000 INR or 670 USD ] ( Complete Event Coverage).

  • Your logo on the communication tools (invitation, website, on-site signage...).

  • 2-Invitations offered including complete session of Entire School.

  • One meeting(speaking time) slot with participating people at the end of one day.

  • Advertisement on the event website (Global Promotion Benefit).

  • Discussion for Future Events Collaboration (Business Meeting).

  • Your logo in the program agenda and all the course advertising material.

  • Interaction with University Students and Staff.

  • Local Business Support.

  • Possibility to distribute company information, brochures or other materials during the Summer School.


Your Donation will help to support needy Fellows.

Sponsorship and Donation Form

  • To fill the Below Online Form, Google Account is required, so please do login first.

  • You will get message - accounts.google.com refused to connect [If you do not have Google Account].

  • Do not worry, we have another alternative option. Simply fill the Details and send us mail

  • [ put subject heading: AIBM-2021 Sponsorship-your Company name ] - in Single Pdf File at apostelleeducation@gmail.com and editor@ijcam.com .

Fill Details [ if do not have google account ]

1. Sponsoring Body ………………….

2. Email for communication……………………..

3. Phone Number including country code…………………

4. Official Website for Information…………………..

5. Contact Person Name and Designation………………….

6. Complete Address with pin code…………………….

7. Max. 2 Pages Sponsorship-Proposal………………..

8. Country…………………………..

9. Sponsorship Premium [ 50,000 INR or 670 USD ] ( Complete Event Coverage) .

10. Donation Amount - (Even Little Amount can be bigger for needy People). ..........................

11. Comment……….........

Fill Below Online Google Form [If Have google account ]