Posters, Demonstrations and Short talks

Research Paper to be Covered, But not Limited to................


Mathematical Modeling, Computation & Algorithms, Quantum Computing, Machine learning & inference, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain ,Big Data & Analytics, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, IoT, Cyber Security And Health Science

-APPLICATIONS- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence ..........

Energy Sector, Green Technology, Government Policies, Economy and International Relations, Social Network, Business Analytics and Urban Data Science, Culture and Art, Technologies for Emerging Markets, Cyber Security and Privacy-Data security, IOT, Biometrics and Forensic Technology, Healthcare and Medical Science, Engineering and Technology, Business modeling and Entertainment, Education, Robotics, Automotive Industry, Manufacturing and Autonomous vehicles, Cyborg Technology, Marketing, Banking, Law, Economics, Psychology, Cyber war and Terrorism, Finance, Agriculture, Gaming and Simulation, Space Exploration, Creativity, Oil and Gas, Construction and Transportation, Transforming world socially, economically and Politically, Archaeology

The Conference following the -METHODS- and their -APPLICATIONS- for smart computational work.

Research articles to be Covered, But not Limited to.


· Industrial automation and modeling for Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation processes

· Mathematical Modeling for expert and Intelligent systems

· AI and ML based Agent-oriented approaches

· Alignment of business processes based on advance Algorithms in Computational Intelligence.

· Quantum Computing foundation and frameworks

· Machine learning & inference for knowledge representation.

· Business Process Modeling using computational Intelligence and Deep Learning.

· Component-oriented system design based on IoT framework

· Conceptual Modeling of healthcare applications in Computational Systems, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine.

· Data inconsistency and incompleteness control in Automotive Industry, Manufacturing and Autonomous vehicles.

· Data Integrity and system security enabled modeling

· Blockchain and Big Data Analytics for security applications

· Enterprise interoperability in Robotics applications

· Enterprise modeling and integration using Computer Vision

· Information system architecture for IoT and CPS stations

· Information system methodologies and Natural Language Processing fro Machine reading comprehension.

· Information system security and cyber threat analysis

· Interaction design of smart cities

· Knowledge Representation, Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking using AI and ML approaches.

· Methods of system analysis and design in Software engineering and programming.

· Database Queries and their automated reasoning.

· Model-based verification and validation of vulnerability at Online Social Network(OSN) Platform

· Object-oriented methods for system modeling

· Ontologies and semantic web services for pattern mining ,modeling and designing

· Pragmatic aspects of system design for Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution

· Quality of design for smart agricultural applications

· Semantic integrity of business process and data

· Service-oriented modeling of operations for Cyber war and Terrorism

· System requirements engineering

· System testing and quality assurance in automation and smart systems.

· Role of human-computer interaction for process modeling.

· AI and robotics reasoning for expert systems.

· High-performance computing.

· Geo informational systems, databases, and data mining.

· Compiler optimization and embedded systems.

· Wireless sensor networks optimization and visualizations.

· Computer Graphics, Vision and Animation for Data Integrity.

· Framework for Business Intelligence and Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control and their applications

· Ad-hoc, Mesh, Sensor Networks, Cellular Networks, Vehicular Networks communication topologies.

· Design and modeling approaches for Gaming and Simulation, Space Exploration, Creativity, Oil and Gas, Construction and Transportation, Transforming world socially, economically and Politically, Archaeology using AI and ML techniques



Machine to Machine (M2M)

Cognitive Radio

Body Area Networks

Satellite and Optical Communication

Geographic information systems

Cloud Networking

5G and Onwards to 6G: design, analysis, and optimization

Sensor networks and embedded system

Signal processing


Human-computer interaction (HCI)

Data Science

Neural Network

Decision Trees

Computer Vision

Expert and recommended system

Big Data

Computational Intelligence

Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Semantic Web

Large-scale visualization

Clustering and classification

Fuzzy Logic

Statistical Analysis


Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing

Bioinformatics and Bio-Inspired Computing

Supercomputing architectures

Fog/Edge Computing

High Performance Computing (HPC)

Parallel Computing

Distributed Computing

Cloud Computing

Quantum Computing

Human-centric Computing

Ambient Intelligence

Smart Grids

Context-aware pervasive systems

Industrial IoT and Cyber Physical System

Smart Cities

Agents and Multi-agent Systems

Assistive Technologies

Wearable Computing Systems

Artificial Intelligence

Internet of Things (IoT)

Augmented Reality

Intelligent Transportation


QoS and Scheduling

Vehicular Networks

Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

MIMO advances

Wireless Computing

Mobile Adhoc Networks

Cyber-physical systems and networks

Network Software’s and Management

Mobility models and mobile networks

Antennas and propagation

Security and Privacy


Digital Forensics

Denial of service protection

Information hiding

OSN ( Online Social Network Security )

Monitoring and surveillance

Security, Privacy and Trust by Design

Mobile and wireless security

Biometric systems

Intrusion Detection


Cyber Crime and Terrorism

Software Testing, Validation, and Verification

Statistical and probabilistic analysis

Software synthesis

Simulation and Modeling

Lightweight and scalable formal methods

Analysis of dependability, performance and other non-functional properties

Safety-critical, fault-tolerant, and secure systems

Model checking, theorem proving, and decision procedures

Testing and runtime verification

Programming languages

Component-based and multi-agent systems

Self-adaptive systems

Formal modeling, specification, and design

Software evolution, maintenance, re-engineering, and reuse