

Recorded Sessions can be accessed by a link given below:

September 4, 2021 


September 6, 2021 



Topic - Probabilistic, informational and topological methods in Machine Learning.

Abstract - 


Topic - "ABM/ML as surrogate models of complex ( biological ) dynamics"  

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Abstract - 

Topic - "AI disrupting Digital Advertising "

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Luc Dumont is a Digital Media executive with years of international experience at large internet platforms including Yahoo! and    Dailymotion. He was most recently SVP Business and Corporate Development at a mobile video platform using Artificial Intelligence and Data to help brand advertisers such as Amazon, The Home Depot, Microsoft close the loop on their marketing spend.


Topic - "Deep Learning and Intuitive Expertise "

Abstract - 


Topic - "Health Informatics and Disease treatment Techniques " 


Topic - " Some recent results in the geometric-topological theory of group equivariant non-expansive operators"

Abstract - 

The Group equivariant non-expansive operators (GENEOs) have been recently introduced as mathematical tools for approximating observers in data analysis, when data are represented by real-valued functions. These operators describe the way data are elaborated and the invariance  the observers are interested in. Under suitable assumptions, the spaces of GENEOs are closed under composition, maximization, convex  combination and direct product. For this reason, they can be seen as interesting components in Machine Learning and used in several applications. In this talk we will illustrate some recent results concerning topological spaces of GENEOs and the relation they have with Topological Data Analysis.


Topic - " Deep Learning from a mathematical view point " 

Abstract - 

I will review some cross contributions between the two disciplines. On the one hand, there are many well documented mathematical tools used in Deep learning. There are also new ones, such as the emerging mathematical analysis of Deep Learning concerned with the question of understanding and improving its generalisation power. On the other hand, the exact results prized by mathematicians often come with a range of choices, which have no effect on their effectivecomputation, but which can be improved relying on Deep Learning software. Then, I will elaborate on what can be expected in a near future. 

Topic -" The Idea of Oppositional Morphodynamics "

Abstract -




Topic and Abstract - "Industrial IoT Problem Computation using Machine Learning".

Jean-François Plante | Associate Professor | HEC Montréal

Topic -" Data challenges in applied AI projects: A few stories 


Topic and Abstract - "Machine Learning Automation in Industries".


Topic - "Quantum Computing Vs. Blockchain: A new challenge for Cyber Security in the era of Artificial Intelligence  ".

Abstract -


Topic and Abstract 

Title: Getting Developing Countries Involved in Cutting Edge and Emerging Technologies Subtitle: Exploring what developing countries are falling short of and how they can participate in the development of cutting edge and emerging technologies.

Abstract: If we view the future world as being a peaceful, united, but heterogeneous society, how can we ensure that all countries and societies are equally involved in the development of cutting edge and emerging science and technologies? Having grown up in a developing country with a keen interest in the sciences and technology, I will present a talk on what I see is lacking in developing countries for their citizens to be participants of the advancement and development of science and technology - instead of predominantly just being consumers. I will also point out what individuals, institutions, and governments of developing countries can do to promote

scientific and technological activities in society. The talk will also point out how developed countries can play a role in developing countries’ involvement in such areas of life. Finally, I will touch upon what technologies I personally would like to see coming in the near future.

WORKSHOP: Hands-on Training  


Committee Members:

Management Gwalior,India - India ).