
Wei-Lun Chao

is an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. His research interests are in machine learning and its applications to computer vision and autonomous driving. He was a postdoc at Cornell University. He holds a Ph.D. in CS from the University of Southern California. He was a co-organizer of ICML 2019 Workshop on Autonomous Driving.

Rowan McAllister

is a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley working on motion planning for autonomous vehicles at the Berkeley Deep Drive group. He previously worked with Uber's autonomous vehicle forecasting team, completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge on Bayesian reinforcement learning, and a masters in motion planning at the Australian Center for Field Robotics. Rowan was the primary organizer of the NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving.

Adrien Gaidon

is the Head of Machine Learning Research at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) in Los Altos, CA, USA, focusing on going beyond supervised learning for Automated Driving. He received his PhD from Microsoft Research - Inria Paris in 2012, co-organized the ECCV/ACMM 2016 workshop on Virtual/Augmented Reality for Visual AI, and the ICML 2019 workshop on AI for Automated Driving. He was also guest editor for IJCV.

Li Erran Li

is a senior applied scientist at Alexa AI, Amazon and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. His current research interests are machine learning (3D deep learning, generative models, multimodal learning with images and text, dialog systems, deep reinforcement learning). Previously, he was with Scale, AI,, Uber ATG and Uber Prime, Bell Labs. He co-taught tutorials at ICML'17 and ICCV’19, and co-organized several workshops at NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR, ICCV on machine learning for autonomous driving. He has a PhD in CS, Cornell. He is an ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow.

Sven Kreiss

is a postdoctoral researcher at EPFL, Switzerland, focusing on the interaction of autonomous vehicles with pedestrians with computer vision. He previously worked at Sidewalk Labs (Alphabet) on future technologies for smart cities. He holds a PhD from New York University on the discovery of the Higgs boson.