Call for Papers


  • Submit by: 25th June 2020 AoE

  • Notification: 6th July 2020

  • Video submission: 11th July 2020 (UTC midnight)

  • Camera-ready and slides: 14th July 2020 (UTC midnight)

  • Workshop: 17th July 2020

Interested researchers from academia or industry are invited to submit non-anonymous extended abstracts.

Submission details:

  • Page limit: 4 pages + references + supplementary, as a single PDF.

  • Submission Website:

  • LaTeX Template: (updated for camera-ready)

  • We have updated the style file and the main tex file. If you're using the official icml tex files, please replace the style file and change in you main file: (1) comment \usepackage{icml2020}, (2) uncomment \usepackage[accepted]{icml2020}. Thanks.

Camera-ready submission details:

  • The page limit follows the submission details above: 4 pages + references + supplementary, as a single PDF. Camera-ready versions that do not follow the page limit will not be posted on our website and will not be presented in the workshop.

  • Please use the LaTeX Template provided above: we have modified the style file for the camera-ready submission. Please make sure to use \usepackage[accepted]{icml2020} in your main file.


  • Accepted papers will be presented in a 3-min short talk + live Q&A format, and will be posted on the website, but there will not be archival proceedings.

  • Authors of the accepted papers have to submit a 3-minute video highlighting the work (due 7/11/2020 UTC midnight) and slides describing the work (due 7/14/2020 UTC midnight).