AI Agent for Information Retrieval (Agent4IR)

October 25, 2024 in Boise, Idaho, USA @CIKM 2024

The field of information retrieval has significantly transformed with the integration of AI technologies. AI agents, especially those leveraging LLMs and vast computational power, have revolutionized information retrieval, processing, and presentation. LLM agents, with advanced memory, reasoning, and planning capabilities, can perform complex tasks, engage in coherent conversations, and provide personalized responses.  Despite these advancements, challenges such as ensuring relevance and accuracy, mitigating biases, providing real-time responses, and maintaining data security remain.This workshop is motivated by the need to explore these challenges, share innovative solutions, and discuss future directions. 

Generated by ChatGPT 4o. 

Topics Include but not limited to: 

Call for Papers

Important Dates


We mainly follow the CIKM guidelines for paper submission except for a single-blind peer review. All important guidelines are as follows:


We emphasize that the topics list is not exhaustive and welcome submissions in any related areas. Besides regular research papers, we also welcome other tracks, including Demo Track, Applied/Industry Track, Dataset/Benchmark Track, etc. There is no need to specify your track during submission. 



Workshop Schedule



Yongfeng Zhang

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University

Zhiwei Liu

Senior Research Scientist, Salesforce AI Research

Qingsong Wen

Head of AI Research & Chief Scientist @ Squirrel AI, SMIEEE

Linsey Pang

Principal Machine Learning/Applied Scientist, Salesforce

Wei Liu

Associate Professor,  University of Technology Sydney

Philip S. Yu

Distinguished Professor, Wexler Chair in Information Technology,  University of Illinois at Chicago



Let us know if you are interested to serve as a committee member to help reviewing. Send us your name, profile and affiliation to