Qingsong Wen's Homepage 

Qingsong Wen, Ph.D., Head of AI & Chief Scientist @ Squirrel Ai Learning

AI for Time SeriesAI for Education, LLM & GenAI

Email: qingsongedu AT gmail DOT com

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       Qingsong Wen is the Head of AI & Chief Scientist at Squirrel Ai Learning, leading a team (in both Seattle and Shanghai) working in EdTech area via AI technologies (like LLM, AI Agent, GenAI, Transformer, GNN, etc.). Before that, he worked at Alibaba, Qualcomm, Marvell, etc., and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. His research interests include machine learning, data mining, and signal processing, especially AI for Time Series (AI4TS), AI for Education (AI4EDU), Decision Intelligence, LLM and GenAI. He has published over 100 top-ranked AI conference and journal papers, had multiple Oral/Spotlight Papers at NeurIPS, ICML, and ICLR, had multiple Most Influential Papers at IJCAI, received multiple IAAI Deployed Application Awards at AAAI, and won First Place of SP Grand Challenge at ICASSP. Currently, he serves as Organizer/Co-Chair of Workshop on AI for Time Series, Workshop on AI for Education, and Workshop on AI Agent for Information Retrieval, at KDD, AAAI, IJCAI, CIKM, ICDM, etc. He also serves as Associate Editor for Neurocomputing, Associate Editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Guest Editor for Applied Energy, and Guest Editor for IEEE Internet of Things Journal. In addition, he regularly serves as Area Chair of the top conferences including NeurIPS, KDD, ICASSP, etc. 

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