Zhiwei Liu

Dr. Zhiwei Liu is a senior research scientist at Salesforce AI Research. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois at Chicago on Aug. 2022, where he was advised by Prof. Philip S. Yu in the Big Data and Social Computing Lab. Dr. Liu's research interests lie in AI agents, Large Models, recommender systems, and data mining. 

Email: zhiweiliu [at] salesforce [dot] com [OR] jim96liu [at] gmail [dot] com

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July, 2019

Latest News

[July 2024] We are organizing an AI agent for Information Retrieval (Agent4IR) workshop in CIKM 2024.

[May 2024] Our paper Pre-Training with Transferable Attention for Addressing Market Shifts in Cross-Market Sequential Recommendation is accepted to KDD 2024 Research Track! (acceptance rate: ~20%)

[Mar. 2024] Our paper Instruction-based Hypergraph Pretraining is accepted to SIGIR 2024 Full paper track! (acceptance rate: 159/791 ~20.1%)

[Mar. 2024] Our paper BOLAA is accepted to LLMAgent@ICLR workshop!

[Mar. 2024] We released a new LLM for agent, Salesforce/xLAM-v0.1-r. Try it with AgentLite benchmark!

[Feb. 2024] Our paper AgentLite is released! Use it to build your LLM agent at https://github.com/SalesforceAIResearch/AgentLite