ICU Standards of Care and Documentation

A Training of the Trainers


This course was originally designed as a "Training of the Trainers". The slides, handbook, and resources are designed to be used as an educational program for nurses. After successful completion of the course, the nurses are able to use the same materials to train their peers. The content includes advanced critical care concepts, and therefore is best utilized by nurses who already have foundational experience in a critical care setting. The training program can be used to build capacity within these nurses. The materials are easily available to use as a self-taught course or in a group.

Target Audience:

Intensive/Critical Care Nurses

Experience Level Required:

Minimum 6 months in an ICU / Critical Care setting

Case Study

4. Case Study Slides

ADPIE Documentation

ADPIE Standard ICU.pdf

SBAR Communication

SBAR Standard ICU.pdf

ICU Rounding Tool

ICU Rounding Tool.pdf

References and Resources


Course Handbook

Downloadable Course Handbook:

All course documents are property of the authors and should not be reproduced or distributed without permission.