The Mouse and the Snake


A mouse lived in the tall savanna grass in Africa all by itself. There were so many different creatures that roamed in this savanna grass. You never knew what to expect, so living out there so small anything was bound to happen.

Oh No: DANGER!!!!!!!

Two snakes lived just about half a mile away from the rest of the animals in the grass. These snakes had something up their sleeve, they were so determined to get her away from it's safety zone. They did not mean any harm, but they thought it would be best if the mouse came with them and traveled a little bit, rather than being stuck in the savanna grass not knowing nothing for the rest of her life. So, she thought long and hard about making this decision and she thought it was the right one. Then one day they peered through the grass and saw the mouse out eating and yelled, "Mouse! Hey, we're going to be great friends one day and you can travel with us back to our tunnel."

"How am I able to, if I'm not allowed to leave ?"

"No worries about that. We will help you move through the grass without being seen."

As a few days went by, the mouse sat there waiting for the snakes to come up with a good plan. Waiting on them to arrive the mouse looked at her surroundings.

Out of nowhere the Snakes shouted, "Hey! Hey!" Are you ready to go across the savanna grass with us?"

Mouse replied, "Yes I am. I finally get to have friends."

As, the Mouse and Snake tried to move through the grass without being seen, some of the mice that lived in the next grasslands by the mouse seen him leaving!

"Where are you going?" "We see you leaving!"

Looking back the mouse replied, "All you guys mind your business. I am finally getting from the danger zone! I will now live with my snake friends and be protected forever!"

Within, 2 seconds a hawk came down grabbed the mouse by the head and it killed him instantly. The two snakes started to move on, and heard the neighbors of the mouse say "Man, he thought he was endangered here. But i guess not. Maybe next time he will listen to us.

Now, the moral of the story is not as deep as people might think it is. The moral or the story is not that the snakes had a master plan up their sleeve to get the mouse killed, but they wanted the mouse to get out his comfort zone and see what the real world was like. Being enclosed in the same environment since birth the mouse did not know any better when dealing with the real world. So, to make the long story short, never let peer pressure pressure you into doing something you know is wrong because at the end of the day you might end up dead like the mouse.

Author Note: This story is based off of The Turtle and Geese. The original story and my story have the same moral of the story, but instead of using the animals they did, I used another pair of animals that are always in different tales. Basing my story off this story caught my attention because it had to deal with animals. A lot of these tales that deal with animals always relate back to real life issues. The turtle lived in a pond where he knew he was safe and these two geese were just soaring through the sky and they saw this turtle and went to talk to him. They quickly befriended the turtle with no problem. During this time the geese were trying to get the turtle to leave but the turtle noticed he was different from them. But in the end the geese told the turtle to keep his mouth shut after grabbing onto the stick. But turtle's lack of listening skills led to his death. Letting go of the stick was the worst thing to do when soaring in the sky. In the beginning of the tale it started off all sweet and concerning but ended horrible.

Bibliography: "The Turtle and Geese" Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt. Website