To be Quick or OutSmarted


This story represents a monk that plotted against his master "Buddha" to get something in life he wanted. There was a monkey that lives in the tree and a crocodile who lived in the water. The crocodile has a wife that lives back in their swamp house on the other side of the river. Using a monkey and crocodile is a great example, because the crocodile has a partner he loves and adores. Plus, he wants to please and make her happy. So, he is willing to do anything to keep her happy. So, one day she is out swimming in the river and spots a fat juicy monkey in the tree. She quickly goes home and tells her partner she saw a nice-looking the monkey. She goes into telling him how good the monkey would taste and he brags he'll catch the monkey for her. But knowing that the monkey is in the tree, there is another solution to getting up there. In the water laid a rock and this rock is the only way they were going to get the monkey. This led the male crocodile to take on his responsibilities and make his queen happy. So, being the man of the house "river," he swims upstream to where the monkey lives. His whole thought process on the way to the monkey is "Uuhhhmmm I wonder how will I make amends?"

"I do not want to get caught with plotting to capture and kill him for my beloved queen back home."

"I have to do everything in my power to make her happy But how?"

On this sunny day in the rainforest you hear the birds chirping, the butterflies flying, and the insects rolling through the dirt. But you would never expect trying to plot against another animal in the rainforest. Living in a rainforest no animal was guaranteed to see the next day. You would think each animal would look out for one another but in this case an animal is trying to end one's life.

The major plot started and each day the crocodile comes to the rock interacting with the monkey. And in the monkey's mind he thinks they have a nice bond. But in reality his last days of life are slowing approaching. As time passes the monkey starts to notice something very strange about this one rock by his house "tree." As the crocodile sits there one day watching the monkey's moves each and every day he starts to think of ways he can capture the monkey. As the days go on the crocodile starts to measure the rock. He gets the idea of how he's going to capture him.

The monkey notices what the crocodile is acting funny so he starts to shout out asking the rock questions, but no response comes, so he yells loud and the crocodile gestures responding back.

The monkey knew from the start that the odd position of the rock shows something is fishy. But at that point and time he thought the crocodile wanted to be his friend. The monkey did not want to assume anything but each day things were not adding up. But luckily the monkey was smart enough to see through the crocodile's lies and the monkey escapes and is safe.

But to wrap it all up he outsmarted the crocodile that only cared about impressing his partner and not about how he would take a life away to pleasure a woman he "think he cares about."

Author Note:

The moral of the story is just because you have a "bond" with a person does not show me their loyalty is true. Again this story represents a monk that plotted against his master "Buddha" to get something in life he wanted. Greed is the rule to all evil and too much of it can harm a person. People do crazy things for the people "they are in love with" at that moment, but they never think about the consequences or repercussions that come along with it. And most of the time people seek out a person who has bad intentions, and by analyzing their moves they can outwit a person with bad intentions.

You never really know a person's true colors and some people are quicker than most and they tend to fish out all the bad before proceeding on. My plot is the same as in the original story. But looking at it from a remake I used different characters and in the original story betrayal played its course within a family but the monkey was able to escape safely. Love will make a person do crazy things. Trying to impress your partner or somebody you like might have a good turn out of a bad turn it. Meaning you never greed is never the option into impressing a person. I think a lot of people can learn from other people's mistakes.
