The Girl Face Elephant

Testing one to act out of character is a good way to see if their head strong or very influenced by other people around them. So, in this story their is a sweet ole elephant that is being played about him being to nice and sweet. Then one day his own demerer was switched by listening from a different points of view on how he was supposed to act. Hearing somebody talk about you and how you should be could hurt you as an individual.

Being in a situation where you have no control over it will drive a person crazy and usually after a person has did them bad activities comes to realize what they did was out of character. A person should not let other people effect them in away where things will be up going wrong. But this is a lot of the times people need to pick and choose their battles wisely.

Men: Aye why do you think the elephants is so big but so scared to do anything

  • the men all laugh
  • Men: I tell you guys all the time that just because a person is big does not mean they are what people perceive them to be.
  • Different Men: I know, but i want to see some action

Days went by and the elephant sat there and thought about all the nasty thing those people said about him and how could he be so big and not do anything. But in reality that is not what the elephant wanted. But at the end of the day so many people will judge people off of their likings and well beings. Trying to think other people's problems helps brings out a person emotional and most of the time the do not need to be expressed.

Its crazy that a person can listen to a group of men and act the way they hear because they know no better. In this story an elephant lived in a stall and loved his owner but one nights his whole mind set changed. One night there were these men that jumped over the fence and they were trying to rob person and they said some of the nasites things you could think of. And the elephant not knowing any better liked what they were saying. In the elephants head he heard them say spare nobody, take their life, be mean and cruel. So, the next day the keeper of the elephant came of the see the animal and he attacked him with no warning then the other person heard him killing him and tried to help but ending up getting killed to. So, there was this one keeper that was trying to find out why the elephant was acting like this. And he was like maybe the elephant heard some bad things so of he was to bring positive people around him it might change the attitude of the elephant and to be honest that was all the elephant needed. Some positivity !

Author's Note: I think the author was really trying to preach a real life story that happened in their lifetime . We all know that human beings are very talked into things it is not that easy that things are happening. I think the author was trying to tell us that pressure is hard when a person is trying to prove something to people. And its crazy that after the elephant did what he did, People want to be confused on how the owner died, But all that nasty talking about him drove him up the wall. And after those men see what the elephant was capable of they felt so bad about what they said to each other the night before. I find this story fun to read because of the simply fact there are so many thrills that make a person be intact to it.