
This conference is devoted to all aspects of Algebraic Geometry and Analysis, and aims at reinforcing the bridge between the fields of Higgs bundles and D-modules.

The program will start Monday, June 3rd, with registration from 9 to 9:30 am. On Friday, June 7th, the talks will finish at 1 pm.


  • D. Alfaya - Automorphism group of the moduli space of parabolic vector bundles
  • P. Boalch - Stokes decompositions and wild monodromy
  • A. Castaño Domínguez - Hypergeometric irregular mixed Hodge modules
  • A. D'Agnolo - Enhanced nearby and vanishing cycles
  • O. Dumitrescu - Interplay between Higgs bundles and opers
  • L. Fiorot - Relative regular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence
  • E. Franco - Torsion line bundles and branes on the Hitchin system
  • O. García-Prada - Prehomogeneous vector spaces and Higgs bundles
  • P. Gothen - Examples of higher Teichmüller components via G-Higgs bundles
  • T. Hausel - Very stable Higgs bundles, the nilpotent cone and mirror symmetry
  • L. Migliorini - Supports of the Hitchin fibration on the reduced locus
  • T. Mochizuki - Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondences for monopoles with periodicity
  • T. Pantev - Shifted symplectic structures on moduli of local systems
  • T. Reichelt - Hodge theory of GKZ systems
  • C. Sabbah - Good lattices of algebraic connections
  • P. Schapira - Towards a functorial filtration on holonomic D-modules
  • C. Simpson - Higher direct images of parabolic Higgs bundles and Hecke correspondences
  • K. Takeuchi - Exponential factors and Fourier transforms of D-modules
  • J.-B. Teyssier - Higher dimensional wild character varieties