
venue, travel info, lunch options and touristic info:

Directions To the Mathematics Department

The best way to go directly to the Math Department is not through the main entrance of the Faculty of Sciences. Instead you should use a secondary entrance (just before a Pizza-Hut) and then turn left. Please check the following photo of that small entrance.


The talks will take place in room 0.31. It is the first room on the left, immediately after entering the Math Department building. Here is a photo of the room:

Travel Information

Arriving by plane

There are several international direct flights to Porto International Airport (airport code OPO).

From Porto airport:

There is a taxi and metro connection between the airport and the city of Porto.

    • By metro: There is a good metro connection from the airport to the city center. Information can be found on the Metro web page (some info about tickets is provided below). The closest metro station to the conference venue and hotels is Casa da Musica Metro Station.
    • From Casa da Musica Metro Station to the conference venue: Casa da Musica Metro Station includes a bus stop center located in front of the main exit of the Metro station. There are two main exits from the station. If you want to walk (perhaps the best option), you should exit through the one which does not go to the bus center (take the left-hand stairs and then the right-hand ones), and then it is approximately a 15-20 minute walk to the venue or to the main hotels. Please check here for the directions (contrary to what is shown in the map, it's possible to go through the Praça Mouzinho de Alburquerque, better known as Rotunda da Boavista; there's no need to go around it). There is also the possibility of catching a bus from the bus center of Casa da Música metro station to the venue, for instance by taking bus 204 and leaving at "Gólgota" station.
    • By taxi (or other similar services like Uber) from the airport: the average cost is approximately 25 euros.

Arriving by train

See train schedules and prices here. The train arrives at the Porto Campanhã railway station. From this station there is a metro, bus or taxi connection to the conference venue or to the hotels.

  • By Metro: Campanhã metro station is adjacent to the railway station. Exit at Casa da Música Metro Station and see the above indications from there to the venue.
  • By bus: The easiest way to reach the conference venue from the Campanhã Metro/railway station is by the 207 bus (direction Foz-Mercado). The bus stop is approximately 100m from the exit of the railway station, to the right (info about tickets below). The closest exit is the Palácio bus stop, located by the gardens of Palácio de Cristal.
  • By taxi: Alternatively one may take a taxi. There are taxis right in front of the exit of the railway station. The fare to the hotel is about 10-15 euros.

Tickets for metro and buses

Ticketing for public transportation (metro and buses) is mainly managed through the rechargeable Andante travel cards, although tickets may be purchased from bus drivers. The Andante travel cards allow you to top them up and are available for purchase at any Metro station in the city (e.g. upon arrival at the Airport Metro station, or Campanha Metro station for those arriving by train). Credit can be added to an Andante travel card, allowing it to be used for additional journeys. It must be validated each time, even when transferring, by swiping on the yellow machines at the entrance to the Metro stations or inside the buses. Each trip normally allows you to transfer between buses and Metro line and gives you a minimum of 1 hour travel time.

Here are some indicative prices, subject to change:

  • From the Airport to Casa da Musica Metro station, the Andante needs to be charged with a Z4 trip, which costs 1.80 euros (single ticket).
  • From Campanha Metro/railway station to the conference venue by the 207 bus Andante needs to be charged with a Z2 trip, which costs 1.20 euros (single ticket). A ticket can also be bought on the bus from the driver for 1.80 euros.

**The Andante card itself costs 0.50 euros, charged in addition to the first trip.

Lunch options

There will be no predesignated place for having lunch, so all the participants are kindly requested to make their own arrangements for their lunch. There are several options nearby (up to 10 minutes walking distance), such as:

The Seminario de Vilar (where the speakers are staying) also serves lunch.

The Math Department has a cafeteria where it is also possible have lunch (sandwiches, soup and other options).

conference dinner

The conference dinner will be on Thursday, June 6, at Clube Universitário, located at Rua do Campo Alegre 877. It's a 5 minutes walk from the Mathematics Department. It will be a fixed menu, with the main course being cod.

Touristic Information

The following are examples of sites providing touristic information about Porto: