San Andreas Fire Department

Professionalism | Integrity | Commitment | Courage

The San Andreas Fire Department is a department focused on education, self-development, and a place of teaching. We aim to preserve the life and property of citizens of San Andreas, as well as serving the public in the best ways possible. We are tasked with fire prevention, technical rescue, motor vehicle accidents, and so much more in our operations. With the added extension of divisions (such as The Office of Fire Invesigations, Rapid Response) as well as certifications (such as Air Operations, HAZMAT, Wildland Operations, Technical Rescue, Water Rescue, and Search & Rescue). Overall, our department is a friendly, happy place, with an extensive and diverse family of people from all around where encourage all of our members to always try to develop themselves to the best they can.

Department Command Staff

Fire Chief (Car-1) - I. Bruning
Deputy Fire Chief (Car-2) - Vacant
EMS Chief (Med-1) - Vacant

Battalion Chief (Bat-1) - L. Lowe

Battalion Chief (Bat-2) - Vacant
Medic Field Chief (Med-2) - T. Coffee
Medic Field Chief (Med-3) - Vacant
Fire Captain (Car-3) - Vacant

Fire Captain (Car-4) - Vacant

Fire Captain (Car-5) - Vacant

EMS Captain - Vacant

EMS Captain - Vacant

EMS Captain - Vacant


Office of Fire Investigation (OFI)
Chief of OFI - Fire Chief I. Bruning

The Office of Fire Investigation is an elite group of specially training firefighters that investigates the orgins of fires, investigate fire crimes, and prosecute those who have broken fire code and/or enact in fire crimes.

Rapid Response Unit (RRU)
Director of RRU - Medic Field Chief T. Coffee

The Rapid Response Unit is an elite group of Paramedics that are highly trained in ensuring the fast response to any medical situation in the State of San Andreas to ensure the citizens of San Andreas get the best medical attention to help save their lives.

Department Photos