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Africa Quiz Questions And Answers Pdf Download

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These questions and answers are adapted from the EEOC's Compliance Manual Section on Race and Color Discrimination. For more detailed information about race and color discrimination, you may review the Race and Color Section on the EEOC's website or call 1-800-669-3362 to request a free copy of the Race and Color Section of the web site.

No. of Questions= 16

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers. 

  1. Which of the following statements is true of the australopithecines? a) They are members of our biological tribe of primates. b) They evolved about the same time as humans. c) They were habitually quadrupedal  2. The earliest australopithecines evolved from apes about ________ million years ago. a) 1-2 b) 2-3 c) 3-3.5 d) 4-5  3. By 3 million years ago, the australopithecines were: a) nearly extinct in Africa but were common in Southeast Asia b) becoming common in East and South Africa c) beginning to successfully adapt to cold temperate environments in Europe d) none of the above  4. There apparently were at least two main evolutionary lines ofhominins after 2.5 million years ago. The one that became our ancestors: a) lived primarily in dense tropical forests on mountain slopes b) was strictly vegetarian c) was strictly carnivorous d) none of the above  5. The first australopithecine fossil to be recognized as being something other than an ape was: a) the Taung child b) reported by Louis Leakey c) discovered in the 1890's d) none of the above  6. Raymond Dart concluded that the Taung child was a bipedal animal because a) it had a brain as large as humans b) it had hip and leg bones that looked like those of modern people c) it was found in association with the bones of early humans d) none of the above  7. The first australopithecine discovery (i.e., the Taung child) wasclassified as: a) Australopithecus africanus b) Paranthropus robustus c) Australopithecus anamensis  8. The robust species of early hominins are commonly assigned to thegenus ______________ . a) Homo b) Paranthropus c) Ardipithecus  9.  Paranthropus robustus differed fromAustralopithecus africanus in that the former: a) often had a prominent sagittal crest b) lived only in East Africa, while africanus lived only in South Africa c) were smaller boned and more slender  10. The cave at Swartkrans in South Africa was carefully reinvestigated by C. K. Brain between 1965 and 1983. What did he find? a) the bones of more than one species of hominin b) evidence suggesting that leopards killed some of the early hominins at this site c) stones from another area that were brought into the cave at the time that the early hominins were present d) all of the above  11. Olduvai Gorge is located in: a) the Great Rift Valley b) East Africa c) South Africa d) a and b  12. The Zinjanthropus boisei fossil found by Louis and Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in 1959 was anatomically closest to which early South African hominin? a) Australopithecus africanus b) Paranthropus robustus c) Homo habilis  13. In 1974, a team of paleoanthropologists under the direction of Donald Johanson found a 40% complete skeleton of a very early hominin species at the Hadar site in the Afar Desert region of Northern Ethiopia. What was it called?  a) Australopithecus anamensis b) Lucy c) Australopithecus afarensis d) b and c  14. In the early 1970's, Mary Leakey and Tim White found bones of what were likely Australopithecus afarensis dating in the range3.7-3.5 million years ago at a site in Northern Tanzania named Laetoli. What else did they find there?  a) footprints of these early hominins b) stone tools made by these early hominins c) evidence of regular fire use  15. In 1995, Meave Leakey found a new, very early australopithecine species at Lake Turkana , Kenya which she named Australopithecus anamensis. Which of the following statements describe this fossil?  a) It was transitional between apes and later australopithecines. b) It was really the same species as Australopithecus africanus. c) It was very likely the only australopithecine ancestor of humans.  16. Tim White and several of his Ethiopian colleagues found a 4.4 million year old hominin known as Ardipithecus ramidus at the Aramis site in the Middle Awash region of Northern Ethiopia. Which of the following statements is true about this species? a) They were probably the ancestors of the early australopithecines. b) They were the ape ancestors of chimpanzees. c) They were quadrupedal like chimpanzees and gorillas. d) all of the above 

The following sample questions are similar to those on the examination but do not represent the full range of content or levels of difficulty. The answers to the sample questions are provided after the last question. Please note: Taking these or any sample question(s) is not a requirement to sit for an actual certification examination. Completion of these or any other sample question(s) does not imply eligibility for certification or successful performance on any certification examination.

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The MISR team revealed the image location and answers to the associated trivia quiz on their web page. More than 470 people from all over the world entered the contest. Congratulations to the winners!

Dear Sir,

This was the first time I entered your quiz, however, I was very disappointed with your answers, some of which were obviously incorrect.

For example, TableMountain is no where near the highest mountain in the Western Cape nor in the area covered by your photograph. Many peaks elsewhere in the area are in excess of 2000m

Concering the dormant geological feature, Marion/Prince Edward Islands are many thousands of miles away and have never been considered part of the Western Cape. The most significant geological feature in the area is the Worcester fault which I referred to in my answer.

I noticed that you did not receive a single correct answer from South Africa, which I believe was because your questions were poorly worded and some of your answers blantantly wrong. 17dc91bb1f

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