While most carriers offer unlimited data with their monthly plans, there are some out there that still limit cellular data usage. With dozens of Android's best apps and services running in the background, you may run out of your monthly mobile data rather quickly. So instead of paying for expensive mobile internet every month, you can enable the data saver mode on your top budget Android phone and restrict apps from consuming data in the background. Here's how you can start conserving your data with ease.

Google introduced the Data Saver feature with the Android 7.0 release. The search giant used to offer Lite mode in Google Chrome to block images and save up to 70% of data. Since mobile data costs have reduced over time, Google removed the Lite mode in Chrome on March 29, 2022.

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Data Saver mode limits how much data your installed apps can use in the background. If your phone isn't connected to Wi-Fi or frequently remains out of the Wi-Fi range, it switches to mobile data to function properly.

Some video streaming and instant messaging apps may consume abnormal data in the background. When you enable Data Saver on your Android phone, these apps can't connect to the internet in the background. You must open the app to receive updates.

Among all the new features and small enhancements with Android 13, we haven't seen Google make any tweaks to the Data Saver mode. Before enabling the function, check how much cellular data your phone used in the current cycle.

I may have found something of interest though. If I turn off Spotify's data saver, set the mobile streaming quality to low (rather than automatic) I get much lower data usage when connected to Android Auto. With the data saver on and quality set to automatic (which should be the same as manually setting quality to low) is when the data usage spikes.

However you get there, you'll be greeted with a detailed overview of exactly what apps burned through your mobile data over the most recent 30-day cycle (and if you want even more context, you can look back in previous cycles by tapping the dates at the top of the screen and selecting an earlier range). Many of the top offenders will likely be social media programs, web browsers, and apps that involve streaming audio or video. Make a mental note of any such items; we'll get into the specifics of dealing with them in a moment.

One by one, open up any social or news apps on your phone and look for data-saving opportunities in their settings. In the Twitter Android app, for instance, you'll find a section called "Data usage." Tap it and then uncheck the box next to "Sync data" to make the app update only when you're actively looking at it. (That won't affect your ability to get notifications, incidentally; those are controlled separately in the "Notifications" section of the app's settings.)

(Be sure to use common sense with this, by the way: If you disable background data for something like a messaging app, that app isn't going to be able to receive messages in the background when you're out and about during the day. That probably isn't something you want. Think carefully about the implications of turning off any app's ability to retrieve new info in the background before you do it, and make sure you're OK with any tradeoffs that might be involved.)

In the Firefox Android app, for instance, you can prevent autoplaying videos by tapping the "Site permissions" line within the browser's settings, then tapping "Autoplay" and changing it to either "Block audio and video" or "Block audio and video on cellular data only." That'll allow videos around the web to play only if you explicitly opt to start them in whichever arrangement you choose.

Got YouTube Music for your morning commute? Head into the app's settings and look for the "Audio quality on mobile network" option. Try setting it to "Low" and then see if the more data-friendly audio quality is good enough for your ears.

YouTube Music isn't the only audio app with these sorts of options, of course. Spotify has an "Audio Quality" setting along with separate settings for streaming quality on both Wi-Fi and mobile data. Pandora has a single "Higher quality audio" toggle that you can turn off. And most other music and podcast services have some manner of similar controls. Be sure to look through the settings of any such apps on your phone to make sure they're configured in the most data-efficient manner possible.

While we're on the subject of streaming, open up the YouTube app and look in the "Video quality preferences" section of its settings. There, you'll find an option to force the app to use "Data saver" quality whenever you're relying on mobile data.

You know what else can download data in advance and help you avoid expensive streaming? Google Maps. The next time you know you're going to need navigation, open the Maps app in advance, while you're still somewhere with Wi-Fi. Search for the city where you'll be navigating, then tap the city's name in the middle of the screen and tap the Download button that appears on the next screen.

Make sure that isn't happening by opening up the Play Store on your phone, tapping your profile in the upper-right corner, then selecting "Settings" followed by "Network preferences." There, you can ensure that the "Auto-update apps" option is set to "Over Wi-Fi only" and also that "Auto-play videos" is set to "Over Wi-Fi only." If you really want to go all out, you can also change "App download preference" to either "Over Wi-Fi only" or "Ask me every time" and then avoid downloading any apps on mobile data unless it's absolutely necessary.

With any reasonably recent Android version (anything from 2017's Android 7.0 release forward), Android has a system-level tool called Data Saver that prevents most apps from using mobile data unless they're open on your screen and actively being used. That means apps won't be able to do anything in the background, including fetching and notifying you about new messages, unless you're on Wi-Fi (or you manually safe-list them as exceptions). And even apps you're actively using in the foreground will frequently be forced to adjust their behavior in order to use less data.

Trying to sort out if this is a Google Fi issue or an Android 12 issue. Just setup Galaxy S22U (unlocked), data saver enabled, almost all apps are disabled - including Spotify, which managed to use 95 MB during a 20-minute commute while I wasn't even using it. :-/ I did have Android Auto enabled for mobile data... thinking maybe this was the culprit? Does anyone have experience with this issue and managing your data? Obviously, I'm on the Flexible Plan... Thank you.

I wonder if there is a way to find out if Data Saver is enabled and potentially if my app is on the 'Unrestricted data access' list to know if push notifications are enabled for my app and therefore if there is a point in waiting for the push and a chance to execute any network calls while the app is in the background at a certain time.

I recently coded an Android app. It's just a simple app that allows you to keep score of a basketball game with a few simple counter intervals. I'm getting demand to add a save feature, so you can save your scores and then load them back up. Currently, when you stop the app, your data is lost. So what I was wondering is what I would have to add to have the app save a label (score) and then load it back up. Thanks guys sorry I don't know much about this stuff.

I recommend saving the data in a file on the sdcard which allows you to not only recall it later, but allows the user to mount the device as an external drive on their own computer and grab the data for use in other places.

3a) As for things like scores, you could follow Mathias's advice above and store the scores in the directory returned in getFilesDir(), using openFileOutput(), etc. I think this directory is private to the app and lives in main storage, meaning that other apps and the user would not be able to access the data. If that's ok with you, then this is probably the way to go.

3b) If you do want other apps or the user to have direct access to the data, or if the data is going to be very large, then the sdcard is the way to go. Pick a directory name like com/user1446371/basketballapp/ to avoid collisions with other applications (unless you're sure that your app name is reasonably unique) and create that directory on the sdcard. As Mathias pointed out, you should first confirm that the sdcard is mounted.

If the data structure is more complex or the data is large, use an Sqlite database; but for small amount of data and with a very simple data structure, I'd say, SharedPrefs will do and a DB might be overhead.

Shared PreferencesStore private primitive data in key-value pairs.Internal StorageStore private data on the device memory.External StorageStore public data on the shared external storage.SQLite DatabasesStore structured data in a private database.Network ConnectionStore data on the web with your own network server

Basically, this allows you to limit background data used by apps, but whitelist anything that want to have unrestricted access. This means background data is disabled for every app by default, then you can pick and choose where to grant unlimited access

From Android 7.0 (API level 24), users can enable Data Saver on a device-wide basis in order to optimize their device's data usage, and use less data.


 When a user enables Data Saver in Settings and the device is on a metered network, the system blocks background data usage and signals apps to use less data in the foreground wherever possible.

Data Saver is a feature that has existed in Chrome for Android for a while now. Instead of loading a full web page on your phone, the site is first compressed on a server before downloaded to Chrome on your device, reducing the data consumption on your end.

When Data Saver is enabled, it can reduce your consumption in Chrome by a surprising amount. In just 15 minutes of loading web pages, it managed to save about 21 percent of the data I would have used -- 20.79MB instead of 26.43MB. Over time, even if the percentage isn't as high, the savings would be much more drastic. 17dc91bb1f

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