News - Research

(240531) Presented research on graph neural networks at KSCFE conference

At the KSCFE (Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering) conference, I presented my work that uses graph U-Nets for unsteady flow field prediction tasks (specifically vortex shedding behind circular cylinder). These results will be the backbone of the journal manuscript which is planned to be finished within this month. This work was collaborated with the Prof. Ricardo in KTH.

(240528) Presented a invited talk at KITECH

I presented a invited talk titled "AI for Aerodynamic Simulation" in KITECH. This talk was about data-driven physics-informed neural networks and graph neural networks for real-time flow prediction tasks. Thanks to Dr. Sanga Lee (researcher in Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) for the invitation! 

(240518) Accepted in the journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering" (IF: 7.2, JCR top 3.3%)

The manuscript titled "Data-driven Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Digital Twin Perspective", collaborated with three researchers including Prof. Yee in SNU and Prof. Romit in PSU, is accepted by the journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering". This paper explores the potential of PINNs for the realization of digital twins from various perspectives, and I'm glad to get valuable comments from the reviewers that improve our manuscripts a lot! (for preprint, click!)

(240503) Presented research on graph neural networks at KSME conference

At the KSME (The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers) conference, I presented my work that uses graph U-Nets for unsteady flow field prediction tasks (specifically vortex shedding behind circular cylinder). This work was collaborated with the Prof. Ricardo in KTH.

(240106) PINN reserach collaborated with SNU & PSU is submitted to journal

The manuscript titled "Data-driven Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Digital Twin Perspective", collaborated with three researchers including Prof. Yee in SNU and Prof. Romit in PSU, is submitted to journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering". This paper explores the potential of PINNs for the realization of digital twins from various perspectives, and I'm looking forward to getting valuable comments from the reviewers! (for preprint, click!)

(231101) Presented ongoing PINN research at KSME conference

After the presentation at KSCFD conference below,  additional research on PINNs (especially for data-driven PINNs) has been done. At the KSME conference held in Song-do, I presented results on them. These results will be the backbone of the journal manuscript which is planned to be finished this year.

(231012) Presented PINN research performed in KAIST at KSCFD conference

After transitioning to KAIST, I have performed new research on flow-specialized adaptive sampling techniques for PINNs (physics-informed neural networks). And the preliminary results are presented at the KSCFE conference held in Gyeongju.

(230822) Presented two sequential seminars before leaving SNU

Before moving into KAIST as a postdoc from SNU (Seoul National Univ.), I volunteered to present these two seminars:

     The main goals are to motivate my colleagues at SNU by introducing what I was concerned about and how I struggled to get through it during my PhD. Since my life goal is to be a researcher with a positive influence on others, it was an honor to present these two seminars to my colleagues.

(230804) Participated the seminar "Physics-informed Machine Learning"

It was held in POSCO tower and consisted of 12 presentations by 12 professors. The most fascinating points of this seminar are that 6 professors have mathematical backgrounds (from the departments of mathematics), and the other professors are from engineering departments. I was highly motivated by this multi-disciplinary academic seminar and want to thank Prof. Seungchul Lee at POSTECH who arranged this fantastic seminar. 

(230721) Successfully hosted an opening ceremony of the new project

The project named "VTOL Technology Research Center for Defense Applications" (6 years, 7.65M $) started on 23/05/01. As the lead practitioner of this project, I prepared the opening ceremony held at Seoul National Univ. on 23/08/04. There were about 60 participants, and all related preparations were led by me. It included organizing the ceremony from scratch, setting up the ceremony hall, customizing the brochure, predetermining the VIP's moving path and their guide. It was really challenging experience, while precious opportunity for me to prepare/organize more bigger ceremonies in the future.

(230719) Zoom meeting with Romit Maulik at Pennsylvania State University

It was arranged by Prof. Jeon at JBU with the title "ML-CFD mini-seminar". There were three presenters: Prof. Romit (PSU), Prof. Jeon (JBU), and Prof. Lee (Inha Univ.) It was my first experience hearing the research overview presentations by Prof. Romit, and it was such a precious opportunity for me.  Thanks to Prof. Jeon who invited me to this meeting.