Data-Driven Fluid Engineering Lab.

Welcome to DDFE!

Welcome to the Data-driven fluid engineering Lab (DDFE)! Our lab is dedicated to exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and fluid engineering to create a cleaner and more sustainable future. Our team of researchers is focused on tackling some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today, including wind power harvesting, urban flow prediction, and flooding prediction.

At DDFE, we employ cutting-edge technologies such as Explainable AIs to develop new methods for discovering drag inducing/reducing surfaces. By using big meteorological data, we are also developing AIs for fast wind prediction and more efficient wind power harvesting.

We pride ourselves on taking a unique approach to our research, utilizing data-driven methods to gain insight into fluid dynamics and uncover new solutions to complex engineering problems. Our team is dedicated to driving innovation and making a positive impact in the world through our work.

What we Study

Data-driven discovery of drag inducing/reducing rough surfaces

AI-assisted industrial simulations, optimizations, and designs

Meteorological & Urban flow prediction

AI-Assisted UAM Control & Guidance


Feel free to contact us if you have questions.