Maintenance Workflows
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." --Benjamin Franklin
Whether medical equipment, automobiles, or human bodies, everything needs constant maintenance or it will fail and ultimately cost more than replacing the original. Pythia enables maintenance workers to perform "unlearnable" workflows, assures every workflow step is performed in the proper sequence, and improves worker efficiency.
Maintenance workers do far more than clean buildings. They maintain every piece of medical equipment, every vehicle and automotive robot, every aircraft, scientific device, home appliance, and more. The workflows they perform range from very simple to highly complex. Maintenance mistakes can destroy property and kill people, including maintenance workers. Maintenance workers are essential for ensuring everything operates safely and economically and their work often fulfills governmental regulations, which must be verifiably documented.
Maintenance jobs often require workers to perform multiples of very detailed, unlearnable workflows, which must be precisely performed. Maintenance workflows are unlearnable when there are too many workflows to memorize, when workflows have too many steps to memorize, and when they're performed too infrequently to memorize. When workflows cannot be memorized, then training and learning cannot enable performance. Training and learning also cannot assure every step of every maintenance workflow was properly performed. These are the main reasons why training and learning are ineffective for maintenance workers and why Pythia is essential.
The Pythia verbal workflow management system enables maintenance workers with requisite basic skills to perform assigned workflows by following verbal, step-by-step instructions; additional training is generally not required nor is it helpful.
Pythia assures every step of every workflow is performed by not delivering a new step until directed by the worker, by checking actual performance against pre-assigned minimum expected performance intervals, and by allowing workers to verbally request help at any time throughout the workflow. If a worker performs a critical workflow step faster than the minimum expected time, Pythia automatically sends an alert to the worker's manager. When help is needed, workers can say "Hey Coach" and an email alert is immediately sent to a designated supervisor.
Pythia supports all maintenance workers. Because Pythia verbally delivers workflows, there's no reading required and with Pythia's on-the-fly translation feature, there are very few language barriers. With Pythia, organizations add their workflows to the system in 1 language, then verbally deliver them in over 40 other languages on-the-fly.
Because Pythia works 100% hands-free, maintenance workers can do their jobs more safely and efficiently than if they needed to stop working to locate, then read printed or online instructions.
Because Pythia captures and reports performance intervals as people work, every step is verified along with the date the step was performed and how much time was spent on the step. This data can be shared with manufacturers to verify routine maintenance has been performed to meet warranty requirements.
To learn more about how Pythia's digital coach can help you improve performance and profitability,
contact Adyton or a Pythia distributor today.