Day 4

Thursday, June 30, 2022 @ 9 am - 3 pm at Ben Franklin Museum, President's House, and Independence Hall

How do we center healing and justice in our classrooms and curricula?

Key Readings

Additional Readings

  • Baker-Rogers, A. M., & Traylor, F. M. (2020). They carried us: The social impact of Philadelphia's Black Women Leaders. Arch Street Press.

9:30 - 9:45

Welcome and Reviewing Reflections

  • Review reflections from day 3.

9:45 - 10: 15

They Say / I Say: The President's House

  • Introduce today's focus question: How do we center healing and justice in our classrooms and curricula?

  • Independence National Historical Park (INHP) today looks very different than it did before colonization, during the Revolutionary War, and onward. A number of voices and perspectives have shaped the space and have made decisions about which stories are told in the exhibits today.

  • Analyze excerpts from perspectives on the creation of one of the newest monument / exhibit: The President's House.

  • As you read each excerpt, select excerpts to respond to using a They Say / I Say framework.

10:15 - 11:00

Re-storying the President's House

  • As you visit the President's House, notice and wonder.

      • You may also consider how you might:
        - How you might use the 5 pursuits from Cultivating Genius to teach with this monument, and

      • What changes you might make to the monument / exhibit to re-story it?

      • Discuss with others how you might re-story the exhibit, if at all.

11:00 - 11:30

Journal Groups

11:30 - 12:00

Guest Speaker

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch & Travel to Independence Hall

1:00 - 1:45

Traditional Tour of Independence Hall

  • As you take the traditional tour of Independence Hall, notice and wonder.

        1. What is emphasized in the story?

        2. Whose stories are told?

        3. Which stories are silent?

1:45 - 2:00

Re-storying the Independence Hall Tour

2:45 - 3:00


Key Readings for Day 5:

Additional Readings

  • Baker-Rogers, A. M., & Traylor, F. M. (2020). They carried us: The social impact of Philadelphia's Black Women Leaders. Arch Street Press.

The President's House, Independence National Historical Park

Grade 6 — Week 26: Primary and secondary sources for our projects