Nashville Chiropractor

Searching for a “Chiropractor Near Me” in Tennessee?

The Chiropractic Doctors at Advanced Injury Care Center have been providing the citizens of Tennessee with Chiropractic Care for over a decade.

Our dedicated medical professionals are experts when it comes to treating injuries suffered in Auto Accidents, or other conditions that cause pain and discomfort throughout the body.

To better serve the Volunteer State, we offer new Chiropractic Patients a Free Consultation so that they get an accurate diagnosis and can decide whether or not Chiropractic Care is right for them.

If you have been injured in an accident and would like to schedule your Free Consultation with a Nashville Chiropractor near you, simply give us a call today!

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic Care is a form of medical treatment that focuses on conditions of the Musculoskeletal and Nervous Systems.

This type of medical care has been gaining in popularity over the years due to it being a natural, holistic treatment that does not require surgery or pain medication while still getting results.

Chiropractic Care was originally developed by Daniel David Palmer in 1895, and has a popular type of treatment ever since.

Chiropractors are excellent at treating injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system.

Included in the musculoskeletal system are ligaments, joints, muscles, bones and other soft-tissue, which is responsible for functionality and movement of the body.

The musculoskeletal system makes up a large portion of the body, which is why chiropractic care can help to treat a large number of conditions.

When people think of Chiropractic Care, they generally assume that all they do is crack your back and send you packing.

However, Chiropractic care can offer patients so much more.

Conditions Treated with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is an incredibly versatile treatment option that many people prefer because of the results they can achieve without the need for surgery or addictive pain medication.

Many people turn to chiropractors to treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Headaches and Migraines.

However, Chiropractors have had success treating other conditions Tennessee residents suffer from.

These include the following:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Neuropathy

  • Sciatica

  • Immune System Disorders

And many more!

In order to help our patients get back to living a life without pain, there are different treatment techniques that may be utilized.

Chiropractic Treatment Methods

Due to being well-trained and educated, Chiropractors are able to offer patients various treatment options.

However, the types of treatment that your Chiropractor may decide to use for you depends largely on your diagnosis.

To determine your diagnosis, Chiropractors will run a series of diagnostic tests, usually including a physical examination and an X-ray, which are both done in office at AIC.

If it is determined that further tests are needed, then your Chiropractic Doctor may decide to order other diagnostic tests, which could include MRI’s or Cat Scans.

Once an accurate diagnosis is determined, a course of treatment will be decided upon.

Depending on the diagnosis, your treatments may consist of:

  • Spinal Decompression

  • Chiropractic Adjustment

  • TENS

  • Ice Application Therapy

  • Heat Application Therapy

  • Stretching

  • Strength Training Exercises

Although these are not the only treatments offered by our chiropractors, most patient’s treatment plan will include a combination of some of the aforementioned.

How We Treat Car Accident Injury Patients with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is so effective at treating Car Accident injuries due to the types of injuries commonly suffered.

Many of these injuries are to the soft-tissue and can result in the displacement of parts of the musculoskeletal system.

One of the most common auto accident injuries, Whiplash, is a great example of how Chiropractic Care can be utilized.

When a person suffers a whiplash injury, the soft tissue in their neck is over-stretched or extended, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Chiropractic Care can help these muscles to relax back into position, and heal from the injury.

Call the Specialists at Accident Injury Care Clinic for Chiropractic Care

If you or someone you love was injured in an accident and are searching for a “Chiropractor Near Me” in Tennessee, contact us today.

Our Chiropractors have been specializing in the treatment of Auto Accident injuries for over a decade and can provide patients with expert treatment and a referral to a local attorney.

Do not allow yourself or someone you care about to continue to be a victim. Contact our Chiropractors today and begin the healing process.

If you would like to schedule a Free Consultation with the Best Chiropractor near you in Tennessee, click on the link below now.