3 Common Myths About Car Accident Injuries
There are many misconceptions about auto accident injuries and the discomfort we experience following collisions.
Unfortunately, these myths frequently cause more harm than good and prevent accident victims from getting the post-accident care they require.
For this reason, it's crucial to learn the facts regarding car accident injuries from a Nashville car accident doctor so you can heal completely and resume your favorite activities.
The three myths concerning car accident injuries that people wrongly assume are covered in the article below.
Myth 1: If My Vehicle Isn't Damaged, then I Must Not Be Injured
Many people think that the damage an automobile sustains in an accident is directly connected to the injuries that person sustains.
Even if your car has minimal to no damage, minor injuries or even severe injuries can still happen.
Additionally, if you were involved in a minor collision and your automobile only received little damage, but the next morning you have excruciating neck pain, be ready for your insurance provider to accuse you of fabricating your condition in order to receive compensation.
You can resist these claims with the aid of a personal injury attorney.
The fact is that injuries are always a possibility, regardless of how minor a crash may appear to be.
The most frequent accident injuries involve soft tissue damage, which may eventually result in arthritic problems.
However, minor, less major accidents might still result in serious injuries.
You will experience the majority of the collision's force if your car doesn't.
Due to your body being violently wrenched, this frequently causes injuries like whiplash.
Auto accidents with little to no damage to the car are much more likely to cause whiplash and other related injuries.
Myth 2: If You Can't See An Injury, It Doesn't Exist
After an accident, many people assume that if you don't appear to be hurt, you must be lying to receive the insurance money.
That is just untrue.
After car accidents, many people have musculoskeletal and neurological discomfort, and not they're not all con artists.
Insurance companies have a history of treating vehicle accident victims who are experiencing back, shoulder, or neck discomfort like liars.
If you experience discomfort, even after a minor accident, your insurance company may try to convince you that it is unusual and that you are trying to conduct insurance fraud.
But be aware that discomfort following a collision is very typical, regardless of how bad the accident was.
It is vital for you to get medical help right away following your injury.
Myth 3: I Feel Fine, So I Don't Need Medical Attention
Not everyone will feel okay right away following a car accident, but many individuals will.
Your adrenaline rushes when a distressing incident like a car accident happens, so you might not immediately realize that you've been hurt.
Even after a car collision, symptoms may not appear for days, weeks, or even months.
Injuries to the head, neck, and back are extremely challenging to diagnose without diagnostic testing.
Sometimes they take a long time to manifest their intensity and the entire spectrum of symptoms.
For this reason, even if you feel fine, you should still visit a doctor straight away so you can have a thorough physical examination.
The first indicator of a chronic condition that will get worse if neglected could be a slight ache or pain you feel a day or two after your accident.
Additionally, no matter how serious your injuries wind up being, if you don't go to the doctor to get them diagnosed and treated, it could harm your personal injury claim and prevent you from later receiving compensation.
BONUS: Chiropractic Care Doesn't Help Car Accident Injuries
Holistic medical professionals like chiropractors can cure your body without using intrusive procedures like surgery.
Additionally, they won't recommend painkillers or other medications with a long list of negative side effects.
Based on your injuries and the status of your health right now, your chiropractor will assess your injuries and suggest a treatment plan.
The type and location of your injuries will determine how long it will take you to fully recover, just like with any other treatment plan.
No matter how recent your automobile accident occurred or what kind of ailment you are dealing with, you should visit a car accident chiropractor.
Visit Your Local Car Accident Chiropractor
Don't accept these misconceptions if you've been hurt in a car collision since time isn't on your side.
You should contact a car accident chiropractor whether you feel pain right away or days or hours later, whether you can see your damage or it is buried.
Don't wait any longer to have your car accident injuries examined.
If you don't get medical attention for your car accident injuries, they could swiftly worsen and affect the rest of your life.
That is not a legend.
You can get relief from the pain and injuries caused by your vehicle accident thanks to the chiropractors at Advanced Injury Care Clinic.
They can also suggest skilled personal injury lawyers that can help you with your personal injury claim and offer legal counsel.
Schedule your Free Consultation with AICC today.