How To Best Support Your Car Accident Claim

Every year, roughly 2.5 million Americans end up in the emergency room after being involved in a car accident.

Our Nashville Car Accident Chiropractor knows that accident injuries can range from minor bumps and bruises to severe injuries that require that trip to the emergency room.

Car accidents are the leading cause of personal injury cases in the United States.

If your accident and resulting injuries were due to the negligence of someone else, you have the right to seek compensation from the at fault driver for medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.

No matter the circumstances of your accident, your financial future may depend on building a strong accident claim.

Supporting your injury claim starts the second you make contact with another vehicle.

In the article below, we will discuss how to build and boost your car accident claim.

Support Your Auto Accident Claim

If another driver caused your accident, you will be dealing with their insurance company to receive compensation for your damages.

That's why it's essential to gather as much information as you can from the scene of the accident.

The first pieces of information you need to gather are the name and contact information of the at fault driver and their insurance information.

You also need to get the contact information of any eyewitnesses of the accident and the police officers who came to the scene to make a police report.

If you're able to, you should also use your cell phone to take pictures of the accident scene.

Be sure to snap a few pictures of the vehicles' locations, the damage to the vehicles, the license plates, and any injuries you've sustained.

You need to quickly understand that the best way to successfully pursue and settle a claim with the other driver and their insurance company is to gather as much information as possible.

You also need to remember that the insurance company and the insurance agent they send to handle your claim are not on your side.

Insurance companies are in business to make money, and to make money requires paying out as little as possible on accident claims.

Insurance companies accomplish this by arguing that the plaintiff was completely or partially at fault for the accident, leading to a lower settlement amount, or that the plaintiff hasn't provided sufficient documentation to support your claims for damage.

Your insurance company may try to argue both points with you.

Gathering evidence may be frustrating, time-consuming, and at times you might want to quit.

But the more information you gather and the more documentation you have, the more likely you will receive fair compensation from the insurance company for your damages.

Also, keep in mind that the insurance company isn't required to offer you a fair settlement.

At some point, they will give you their "best" offer, and if you don't like it, you'll have to file a lawsuit.

Fortunately, you don't have to do all of this alone. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you every step of the way.

Nashville car accident clinic

What Types of Damages Can I Collect?

When filing a claim for property damage, some of the different types of damages you can collect are:

  • Damage to your vehicle.

  • Compensation for personal items damaged in the accident, such as a computer in the car or a bike on a bike rack.

  • Most insurance companies will reimburse you for a rental car if it's needed while your car is being repaired.

  • Out-of-pocket expenses like a taxi fare to get home after the accident.

The insurance company will offer you a settlement based on the information that you have provided.

If you don't provide enough proof, your insurance company will not compensate you for your loss, no matter how legitimate your claim is.

The only time an insurance company will agree to settle is when it's in their best interest to do so.

Settling a claim is in their best interest, though, because litigation is expensive, and the insurance company knows it is more efficient and less expensive to settle out of court rather than pay lawyers to fight against you.

If you're injured in a car accident, the insurance claim turns into a personal injury claim and becomes much more complicated.

In addition to the damages listed above, you may be entitled to be reimbursed for your medical expenses and lost wages.

You can also be rewarded compensation for your mental and physical pain and suffering from the accident.

At this point, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of an attorney that can help you with your personal injury claim.

It's much easier to support your car accident claim with the help of a lawyer, but whether file alone or with a lawyer, you should always do the following.

Watch What You Say

While you're at the scene of the accident, do everything you can to ease the situation and help anyone who may be injured.

But while doing so, you need to be mindful of what you say because some things could be used against you later on.

Be sure not to say things like, "I'm sorry," or "I didn't see you."

Apologizing can be seen as an admission of fault, and you never want to admit fault, even if you think you made a mistake,

The reality is that you don't have enough information about what happened in the accident, like what the other driver did or didn't do that may have contributed to the accident.

Nashville car accident help

Know When to Hire an Attorney

Don't make the mistake of assuming that the insurance adjuster is on your side.

When it comes down to it, your adjuster's job is to justify paying you as little as possible for your damages.

Your insurance company will offer you a settlement that is lower than what you deserve, especially if you don't have representation.

They know people without a lawyer don't have the know-how or the energy to fight them after they've made a "final" offer.

Don't settle for a penny less than you deserve.

It costs nothing to speak with a personal injury attorney, and you only pay them if they win you compensation.

Seek Immediate Medical Treatment

Some car accident injuries are blatantly obvious.

You are going to know fairly quickly if you have a broken bone or any open wounds.

However, other potential injuries can be difficult to detect but can still prove to be life-threatening, even after a minor car accident.

That's why you should always seek immediate medical treatment.

Even if you don't need to take a ride in an ambulance, you still need to schedule an appointment with a medical practitioner like a chiropractor as soon as you can.

If you are experiencing any symptoms, tell your doctor about them in as much detail as possible, even if you think it's mild or unrelated to the accident.

If the paramedics think you need to go straight to the emergency room, go with them.

Refusing or delaying medical treatment over a long period of time can undermine your injury claim.

The insurance company will jump at the chance to deny or devalue your claim, arguing that your injuries weren’t caused by the accident because you didn't seek care right away.

Visit A Car Accident Chiropractor

The best doctor you can visit after any type of accident is a chiropractor, and you may be wondering why.

Aside from treating your injuries and returning you to health, they can also help support your car accident claim.

After they give you the needed medical treatments after your accident, they will keep detailed records that your insurance company and personal injury lawyer will need while evaluating your accident injury claim.

They will also refer you to a qualified accident attorney in your area to help you recover the damages you need to recover completely from your auto accident.

The entire process after a car accident can seem daunting.

That's why you should visit Advanced Injury Care Clinic so they can give you the medical treatment you deserve and refer you to an attorney who can help you receive a fair car accident settlement.

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