
Open Positions

For Doctoral Program

We at ABL are always looking for a highly motivated individual who is self-funding or has sources of funding like UGC, CSIR, ICMR etc, and is interested to pursue doctoral program at BIT Mesra. Interested individuals are required to fill in the google form below doctoral program and required also required to send a copy of their CV and transcripts to alokjain@bitmesra.ac.in. It is to be noted for getting admitted to the doctoral program they are required to fulfill the institute requirement as per institute norms.

Postdoctoral program

Individuals with doctoral degree completed or awaited are encouraged to enquire regarding postdoctoral positions directly to Dr. Alok Jain at  alokjain@bitmesra.ac.in along with CV and research experience statement and referees contact details.

Part-time/Volunteering/Research internships - Open all year round  

Please don't hesitate to fill out the form below or write to us at advancedbiocomputinglab@gmail.com