
BioComputing Lab

Welcome to ABC Lab!

"Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jiggling and wiggling of atoms." 

- Richard Feynman

Research Areas

Cancer Biology

Cancer, the emperor of all maladies, is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for over 10 million deaths in 2020. Through wide-ranging studies, researchers all over the World aim to improve the survivorship and effective treatment of this disease. We at ABL are working on targeting Pyruvate Kinase M2 (PKM2), which has gained significance in critically regulating the metabolic reprogramming corresponding to elevated tumorigenesis. The overexpression of PKM2 in its inactive form has been observed among diverse human cancers such as the lung, breast, prostate, blood, cervix, kidney, bladder, and colon.

Currently, we are investigating therapeutic strategies targeting PKM2 by virtually designing specific small-molecule modulators using Computer-aided drug designing. We are also investigating the intriguing structural anomalies associated with post-translational modifications (PTMs) that play a critical role in governing PKM2's function and regulation in tumor cells.

Alzheimer's Disease

Neurological disorders are caused in the brain or spinal cord or the nerve cells throughout the body. Seizures, dementia, complete or incomplete paralysis, weakness, etc., are some of the effects of neurological disorders. Some common neurological disorders can be listed as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Spinal cord disorders, epilepsy, stroke, etc. 

Alzheimer’s disease, named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is one of the most common neurological disorders. In 1906,   Dr. Alois observed changes in the brain tissue of a woman with dementia, progressive sleep and memory disturbance, aggression and confusion, and mental illness. Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disorder that causes gradual brain cell deterioration. This leads to shrinkage of the cells following death.

Currently we are investigating the inhibition potency of peptides and phytochemicals against amyloid β aggregation and the role of post translational modifications associated with it.

Nano-Biomaterial Design

Nanobiomaterials are materials with dimensions in the nano scale range (typically 1 to 100 nano meters) that are used in biomedical applications. These materials have unique physical, chemical, and biological properties that make them suitable for a variety of applications, including drug delivery, tissue engineering, and diagnostic imaging. 

Currently at our lab we designing peptide based nanobiomaterial with focus towards tissue engineering and other applications. This nanobiomaterial will trigger tissue re-generation by interacting with cell adhesion and proliferation pathways.

Plant-Based Bioinformatics

Plant plays a crucial part in the livelihood of humans. With the rapid innovation in the easy access of  plant genomic data through high throughput sequencing methods and bioinformatics has emerged to deepen the knowledge of plant molecular system. This information has contributed  towards the improvement of economically  important  crop plants.

Currently ,  we are  investigating  the  potential  heat acclimatization genes  in the progenitor species of  wheat  to introduce  a new genetic variability for heat stress tolerance in wheat crop improvement. 

AI- Based Model

Artificial Intelligence technology presentes an intriguing and promising endeavor in drug development. There are multiple stages of drug discovery and AI can be used in new drug discovery by designing protein structures, target validation and managing drug trials. Incorporating AI will enhance the drug discovery process as well as reduce the cost of drugs.. 

By analyzing large amounts of data, AI algorithms can identify targets more efficiently and provide information to aid in treatment decision-making. This approach offers greater precision and improved outcomes for the treatment of a wide range of chronic diseases which are awaiting novel therauptic solutions.