peer reviewed
with Irene Amato. Disjunction under single referent: Voiding the ban on clitic coordination, LSRL 41, Paris, France, June 26th-30th.
with Irene Amato. Disjunction under single referent: Voiding the ban on clitic coordination, WCCFL 41, UC Santa Cruz, May 5th-7th.
with Irene Amato. One referent, one contrasting feature: voiding the ban on clitic coordination, GLOW 46, University of Vienna/University of Graz, workshop on Mismatched Pronouns, April 11th.
The third way: Optional object reordering as ambiguous labeling resolution, 13th Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) in Asia; workshop on Workspace, Merge, and labeling, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (online presentation), August 4th–7th.
The third way: Optional object reordering as ambiguous labeling resolution, 44th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS); workshop on Optionality and non-optionality of syntactic movement, University of Tübingen (online presentation), February 23rd–25th.
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. The blocking effect of Negation on Initial Change: Rescue by affix deletion, The 53rd Algonquian Conference, Carleton University (online presentation), October 14th–17th. slides
Hidden deficiency: On the structure of Slovenian clitic, strong, and prepositional pronouns, The 15th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Sociaty (SLS), Indiana University (online presentation), September 3rd–6th. handout
Crop to fit: Pronoun size and its relation to strict/sloppy identity, The 93rd Annual Meeting of the LSA, New York, NY, January 3–6th. handout
with Paula Fenger. Sometimes two heads are better than one: Person portmanteaux meet person constraints (poster), The 93rd Annual Meeting of the LSA, New York, NY, January 3–6th. poster
with Magdalena Kaufmann. Being relatively imperative in Slovenian, SuB 23, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, September 5–7th.
Giving rise to idioms: ‘No Fixed Spec’ and cyclic interpretation, The 92nd Annual Meeting of the LSA, Salt Lake City, UT, January 4–7th. handout
with Hiroaki Saito. The pa/wa of imperative alternatives. SuB 22, ZAS Berlin/Potsdam, September 7–10th.
!? – What Slovenian scope marking questions tell us about the “ban on imperative questions”. FASL 26, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, May 19th–21st.
!? (Where’s the ban on imperative questions?). SALT 27, University of Maryland, College Park, May 12–14th. (poster + lightning talk)
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Unifying V-C movement in Algonquian and Germanic: A view from the outliers, GLOW 40, Leiden University, March 14-18th 2017.
Two's company, three's a crowd: Strength implications in syntactic person restrictions, GLOW 40, Leiden University, March 14th–18th. handout
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Unifying V-C movement in Algonquian and Germanic: A view from the outliers, PLC 41, UPenn, Philadelphia, PA, March 24–26th.
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Being exceptional is important for the whole family: Agreement paradigms in Algonquian, BLS 43, University of California, Berkeley, February 3rd–5th.
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Arapaho, the English of Algonquian: V-C movement and its effect on agreement paradigms, NELS 47, UMass, October 14–16th.
What we aren’t given: The influence of selection on ditransitive passives in Slovenian, FASL 25, Cornell University, May 13th–15th. handout
Between you and me: Two crosslinguistic generalizations on syntactic person restrictions, CamCos 5, Cambridge University, UK, May 5–7th.
Between you and me: Two generalizations on person restrictions and what they show us, WCCFL 34, University of Utah, April 29th–May 1st.
Stating the obvious: Unifying subject restrictions in matrix and embedded directive clauses, FDSL 11, Universität Potsdam, Germany, December 2–4th.
Stating the obvious: Unifying restrictions on the subjects of matrix and embedded directive clauses, SinFonIJA 8, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 24–26th.
Personality Disorders: Insights from the Slovenian Person-Case Constraint pattern, Agreement Across Borders Conference 2015, University of Zadar, Croatia, June 15–16th.
Personality Disorders: Insights from the Slovenian Person-Case Constraint Pattern, FASL 24, New York University, May 8–10th.
It's not Case, it's personal! Insights from Slovenian on the Person-Case Constraint, WCCFL 33, Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, March 27-29th (poster).
Now you PCC me, now you don’t: Slovenian clitic-switch as a repair for person-case effects, NELS 45, MIT, October 31st–November 2nd (poster).
with Magdalena Kaufmann. Slovenian Imperatives: You Can't Always Embed What You Want!, Sinn und Bedeutung 19, Göttingen, Germany, September 15–17th.
with Tatjana Marvin. “Free” Word Order in Slovenian, SinFonIJA 5, Vienna, Austria, September 27–29th.
with Tatjana Marvin. Restrictions on different applicative readings in Slovenian, Formal Description of Slavic Languages 9, Göttingen, Germany, December 7–9th.
Dokazi za dve različni dvopredmetni zgradbi v slovenščini [Evidence for two separate Slovenian ditransitive constructions], Škrabčevi dnevi 7, Nova Gorica, Slovenija, April 15–16th.
with Tatjana Marvin. Syntactic restrictions on different applicative readings in Slovenian, SinFonIJA 4, Budapest, Hungary, September 1st–2nd.
invited & other non-refereed talks
All shapes and sizes: Towards a more fine-grained approach to pronoun typology and competition effects, FASL 32, Indiana University, Bloomington, May 19th-21st. (plenary talk)
A typological gap in person restrictions and the un-parameterization of Agree, Cornell Linguistics Colloquium, April 27th. (invited talk)
A typological gap in person restrictions and the un-parameterization of Agree, Agreement seminar (instructor: Maria Kouneli), Leipzig University, July 7th. (guest lecture)
Location is everything: A typological gap in person restrictions and its support for a positional analysis, Yale Linguistics Department Colloquium Talk, Yale University (online), March 28th. (invited talk)
Syntactic person restrictions: Lessons from a generative typological approach, Nanzan University Center for Linguistics Colloquium Talk, Nanzan University (online), September 12th. (invited talk)
Person on the edge: What typological gaps tell us about syntactic person restrictions, CRISSP (Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics, and Phonology) seminar series, KU Leuven (online), December 9th. (invited talk)
with Magdalena Kaufmann. Imperatives — Relatively Slovenian, Workshop FOR 1783 Relativsätze, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt, May 4th–6th.
Two’s company, three’s a crowd: Strength implications in syntactic person restrictions, LingLunch, MIT, Cambridge, MA, April 6th.
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Unifying V-C movement in Algonquian and Germanic: A view from morphology, Morphology Reading Group, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, April 11th.
with Ksenia Bogomolets & Paula Fenger. Being exceptional is important for the whole family: Agreement paradigms in Algonquian, Syntax+, USC, Los Angeles, CA, January 26th.
It's not Case, it's personal! Insights from Slovenian on the Person-Case Constraint, ECO-5 Graduate Student Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 11th.
Personality disorder: Insights from the Slovenian person-case constraint pattern, University of Nova Gorica, January 12th (invited talk).
Dvopredmetnost v slovenščini: dokazi za dve različni dajalniški zgradbi [Ditransitives in Slovenian: Evidence for two distinct dative constructions], 1010th meeting of the Linguistic Circle of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 6th.
The Vipava Valley Slovenian Vowel System in GP 2.x, Government Phonology Round Table 8, Vienna, Austria, May 7th.