ADN news

Created by: ADN team

(parrot is fat)

ADN team presents: ADN news #2 : 16/05/2021

Hello there reader, In today's ADN news we will be talking about the most IMPORTANT ADN news of today so take a sit, relax and keep reading cause from now on ADN won't be the same. To start off as you may have realized a BIG wave of content has begun meaning that there will be a lot of content coming out on a daily basis for 3 or 4 weeks so if you dont wanna miss any content try checking the social media often, aight?
You surely still have some questions and im here to answer the most common one: "What can we expect seeing in the Wave Of Content?" and to that the ADN team answers:
"There is a ton coming and we decided to list them all from most important to least important!
- =2P0=°=30C=
- New ADN team member
- new short, comics, drawings
- Story sneak peeks and ADN classic story begins
- ADN podcast (reveal future episodes, ideas, concepts)
- secret ADN game DEMO goes out to the public
- New Characters
- Social Media Remodeling
- Lake City asks Q&A 2
- ADN wiki will be continued
- ADN OST will start being made and published
- Memes
- Some Other things <_<"
There you have it folks, things are truly getting better from here on out and there is also one more important statement that the ADN team has given about the wave of content., this statement being: "ADN is so much better than what it looks and that is why we are really excited to show you all of this content"
Even I am excited and Im just a fictional new reporter, what a life.
In other news... not sure if you have realized but the website was remodeled and kinda redesigned a few hours ago and I dont know about you but I believe it looks better than ever, take a look around and check out the new additions and layout it sure is worth it.
Anyways, we are working in a pretty ambitious project... that project being "ADN KNIGHSTLAND" this game hasn't been in development for long HOWEVER it is looking promising. To keep it simple: ADN KNIGHTSLAND will be a medival style 2D game with coop 4 players online capacity therefore you will be able to choose 4 classes and advance through levels, worlds, dungeons or infinite dungeons. ADN team is excited to show concept art here on ADN news:
note: *not the final product*

Finally to end the second ever ADN news the ADN team wanted to quickly say that they have posted for the first time in DeviantArt and Instagram which is nice
If you are wanting to check it out here are the links:
That is all for today folks, thank you for tuning in and see ya next time!

Created by: ADN team

(parrot is cool)

ADN team presents: ADN news #1 : 22/02/2021

Welcome to ADN news #1 since this is the first ever ADN news then it is kinda test but anyways lets get into it I guess :P
First up Darkly got a Drawing tablet recently, that is really good because now content is being made faster and easier which really benefits all of our projects.
We are posting every week too (can be a comic, animation, drawing or anything) be tooned for lots of new content because every day the team makes and prepares new stuff for example we are planning on releasing ADN - Dumb Introduction Remake and the official ADN classic intro, that'll be awesome. There is also new characters coming to ADN and we are sure you guys will like them.

In other news The January decorations were removed for obvious reasons but don't worry they'll be back next year. We will stay with the normal website template for the moment. We are adding new decorations whenever there is an important holiday happening.

Another announcement is that we recently hit 50 subscribers in our youtube channel, thanks for the support it ain't much but we appreciate it. we haven't uploaded anything new in 5 months but that is because we have been working in many projects at the same time however we will be uploading a new video shortly.

Next up we created an ADN wiki! It is really incomplete for the moment but Darkly putted a lot of effort in the Plucat page so I am going to announce it anyway >:D
here it is, you should go check it out:

Lastly we wanted to explain here what ADN classic is because many of you don't know the difference between ADN and ADN classic, so ADN classic is basically a short series before the real thing (ADN). What we mean by that is: ADN classic is to practice and have time to prepare the real ADN while at the same produce content to get an audience. ADN is the main series we are preparing. It needs a lot of time and dedication because ADN is a big big big project but we can tell you that the wait will be worth it. In the meantime lets chill and have some ADN classic and Fishy for the moment alrighty?
That is all in ADN news #1 thanks for reading we will be doing this ADN news sessions from time to time.

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