What is ADN?

ADN is a webseries created by the ADN team just for the fun of it, this show is about the great but quirky adventure starring some "regular" totally "normal" individuals who go as Parrot, Plucat, Nill

This is quite an ambitious project so you can follow us over on youtube and the official website along with instagram and reddit for all the content, Parrot in particular approves... I think so atleast

When was ADN created?
ADN officially began November 23 2019

Who are the people who make ADN?

We are ADNanimations team a group of friends who do this projects for just fun and to entertain people!

the team consists of:

Plucat - Writer, Editor, Voice Actor, Music, Coder

Darkly - Writer, Animator, Artist, Voice Actor

Qwertyop - Writer, Artist, Voice actor

Exotic Yui - Writer, Voice Actor, Producer

Alera - Writer, Editor, Voice actor
Cedric - Musician, writer, additional voice acting (Partnership with TCC)

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