Welcome to the ADN website, the main place to enjoy ADN!
ranging from announcements to animations, art, and fan content!
ADN is a webtoon about the total madness of what happens when the mystical oddities of our world get to interact in the most forbidden place of them all


New years, new chances: Parrot and Plucat are expectedly back to the arguing however this time it is all about what they are pursuing for 2022!
While Plucat has reasonable goals such as getting buff and a new car. Parrot is quite enthusiastic and brings up creating a TECH BUSINESS... We'll have to see what that is all about in episodes to come


"There is a first time for everything!"
The ADN characters embark in their first mystical encounter, they find themselves in a situation unlike any they've seen, this was down right unpredictable and they really know frighteningly little of what phenomenon they are soon to face. This is it, the true beginning of the saga


"Explore the comedicly crafted shorts of ADN!"

What happens when comedy and randomness are mixed in the same bowl? simply throw the ADN characters into that and there you have it fellas, ADN shorts summarized in 1 sentence. Do keep in mind that there will be some lore within the ADN shorts at times so make sure to not miss them!
