
My contribution to the local community, national content and to the world

It is difficult to list down all of the achievements, professional or personal, accomplished since I left high school. But here are some of the ones that I'm proud of...

KFUPM Buildings 22 and 23 Redesign Proposal

Industry Partnership KFUPM-AEC

I really enjoyed working on this initiative, one of the bigger ones in the field.

​Negotiation and MOU of partnership between King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and Advanced Electronic Company (AEC) to become the commercial arm of KFUPM in the area of Industry 4.0 and military research.

​The main beneficiary of this MOU is the College that I'm heading and the three constituent Departments.


​Carrying the responsibility of leading an academic entity in renowned regional University taught me a thing or two.


  • Board member of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
  • Member of the Executive e-Transformation Committee

Strategic Planning

  • College strategic transformation to stay in line with advancement in Higher Education sector in Computing.
  • Establish Data Science research and training group.

Administration and Management

  • Managed two (2) undergraduate and three (3) graduate programs in the Computing discipline.
  • Organized the first regional Cyber Security symposium, Saudi CyberShield 14, in 2014

Planning and Development

​An established organization with 50+ years of legacy requires careful planning and rigorous development for future sustainability


  • Successfully steered the College through the NCAAA, a.k.a. HE/EEC, Institutional Accreditation process.

Technology Update

  • Update the computing infrastructure of the College by adopting state-of-the art cloud-based technology to serve faculty and students.

Development of Programs

  • Oversaw the development and introduction of the Security and Information Assurance program on the Masters level to address the national needs in Cyber Security.
  • Oversaw the revision of the undergraduate program in Computer Science to assure conformance with the ACM/IEEE Computer Curricula recommendations and standards.


The computing discipline is technical in nature. It is one of the fastest growing areas in the world. Educational entities in the Computing discipline must be one step ahead to be able to have an impact

Digital Transformation

  • Implemented a Content Management System (CMS) for the Department based on the Microsoft SharePoint technology.
  • Used the CMS as the framework to implement business processes in the Department.

Change Management

  • Introduced the Electronic Academic Course File system and integrated the system into the fabric of daily activities among department faculty members. The system was later adopted by sister departments in the College.