Alumni Pages for classes through the years 1999 to 2017

Click On Menu Icon (above), Then Year

Also see many general interest links to the CCHS Yearbooks, and Skyline Flashes newspapers 2003 - 1924

Remember Dances and Assemblies?

Reminiscing can be fun...

I have most, but not all, of the photos

Since most web browsers are now using their phones,

Mr. G, has formatted this site to be seen on smart phones. Enjoy!


For Yearbooks Archive

For Skyline Flashes Archive

For Last Century AIDD/ADDA Student Sites

For this Century ADDA Student Sites

CCHS School Song

Cañon City High School

(AKA the Alma Mater)

Hail the mighty black and gold,

hail the Tigers brave and bold.

Hail to Cañon City High,

sing her praise to the sky.

To her we will ever sing,

to her highest honor bring.

In the future as of old,

hail the mighty black and gold.

View from 2000 feet above of CCHS, back in 2016 below:

Remember the CAD Lab?

This was how it looked... Remember where you had an assigned seat?

The link menu at the top of this page will take you to your class year..


Hello Visiting ADDA Grad,

I want you to know that it was a pleasure to be your instructor. Whatever path you took in your education, in the world of work and with your own family I hope you will remember fondly the years we all spent together at CCHS.

I hope you will keep in touch from time to time and let me know what is happening to you. I will keep the same e-mail address so that you could be able to write me from time to time.

Many of you will select design related careers others will not. You are all headed toward being very successful people all your life. Please consider helping CCHS with keeping abreast of the real world by offering to help with special projects or donations of materials, software and scholarships. Mr. Smith could use your help with the current offerings. He is doing a wonderful job as the replacement sponsor of the ADDA program..

You didn’t ask for advice; however, I offer these 3 items for you to consider.

First: You should always speak well of your school. One of the saddest things I ever heard was a student saying negative things about their old high school. You should not be a part of that trash. You will contribute positively as an alum by just saying positive things about your school. This also reflects back on you in a positive way.

Second: You can be a tremendous positive influence on CCHS by keeping up on what is going on at our school and participating when possible. E-mail to the instructors, letters to the alumni association, donations of equipment, supplies, software, and offering to mentor students interested in the career you have chosen.

Third: Once or twice in your life you may get a chance to use your influence to offer a scholarship, or start a special program or support an existing program at CCHS. This will be years after have graduated but it will be fun to recapture the feeling you had when you were at CCHS.

I am now retired from CCHS. It will be a very gratifying to me to get to hear from you from time to time. I will maintain the same e-mail address for the rest of my life as Please let me hear from you and when appropriate I will relay the information to your classmates.

Best wishes

Mike Geesaman

ADDA Instructor 1972-2017

also, on Facebook as Michael L. Geesaman

Link to Careers Held by ADDA @ CCHS Grads... Click Here

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More about AIDD / ADDA from 1973 to 2018 Below:

Originally Called The American Institute for Design and Drafting, AIDD, the organization was formed in 1948. The name was changed to American Design Drafting Association, ADDA, in 1998. Canon City High School is one of only a few high schools in the state of Colorado that offers this additional diploma or certification. There were only 242 other technical schools in the nation that had ever met the rigorous requirements dictated by ADDA for the certification of Drafter or CAD designer.

Canon City High School has been certified by ADDA since 1973. There are over 375 working engineers who received their first certification from our program. There are several more designers and drafters from this same program. Some students started to work right after high school and worked on their advanced degree with financial help from their current employer. Other students used their certification to acquire college or university credit or advanced placement as they pursued a traditional course of study in many technical careers.

This special course of study was not only for pre-engineering students. This program was for any student headed toward a career in science or other modern technological careers. Design and computer drafting skills are still essential building blocks for most future careers. This was one of the certified courses that was the first to get dual credit as a college level course within our high school. This ADDA course was then later to be called STEM studies at CCHS because of the required Science, Technology, Engineering and Math requirements.

Our students have won in both the state and national drafting contests for the last 24 years. This shows that our students demonstrated the highest level of achievement. The Fremont Re-1 School District has given strong support to our program, over the years, by developing a CAD (computer aid design) lab, providing an excellent drafting and design lab, and giving an operating budget for supplies and equipment. This extra commitment by the school board demonstrates their dedication to recognizing our student achievements at all levels.

Mike Geesaman was the sponsor of this program and the main instructor for 45 years at Cañon City High School. Scott Smith, an ADDA grad in 1995, took over the leadership as sponsor and lead instructor in 2018. The program continues to dominate all ADDA national contest categories and the students continue to become the engineers, designers and technical career people of our future. We are blessed to have Mr. Smith's dedicated leadership.

Scroll to the very top of this page and select a class year to see more detailed examples of these amazing students and their classes by Senior class year.

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