Career Reports of Grads From ADDA @ CCHS

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This page lists comments from students who completed the ADDA program at CCHS.

Some careers listed here are directly related to the requirements of graduates in the ADDA program, some are not, but all these people are successful and helpful when contacted by our current students.

This is what I have posted on Facebook. The posts follow and the grads posting are agreeing to attempt to mentor any current CCHS students if contacted:

Facebook Posting Link

Fall and winter project:

Contacting CCHS grads from the classes of 1972-2019.

I will make some friend requests. I think many of them may think that friending an old teacher would be a huge mistake. It might be.

However; I think, it will be very interesting to see what these grads have done with their lives to this point. I would just love to see pictures of their children and other family members along with changes in career goals etc.

Be sure to mention what class you were in at CCHS. I lost track after the first 10,000 students at CCHS. And, that was only year 21 of the 45 years I taught at CCHS. We are also looking for graduates interested in being occasional mentors to our current students.

All the best,

Mr. G