Class of 2002

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Reminiscing is fun but not when you're in a hurry...

Take some time later and look over all these treasures in detail.

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How many 2002 classmates can you still name who are shown below, without zooming to read the correct listings near each picture?

How many 2002 staff members can you still name that are shown below, without zooming to read the correct listings near each of the pictures?

The last 160 pages of this site are the 2002 yearbook pages in order. Scroll and scroll and scroll to find the start of them.

The class of 2002 in our CAD Lab

24 talented students who produced a national championship!

Senior photos given to Mr.G :

Typical 2002 CAD Station


Details of the National ADDD design contest:


Double tap above to open the PDF and see all the details...

And, in another contest during '02 in their Junior Year:

Yearbook items about your ADDA class in 2002:


I remember fondly that year. You were a very talented group. And, on the dark side, we all had to deal with the new threat of terrorists in our future.

Many of you have used those first skills you learned in ADDA to advance in your related careers. Others just have memories of being in a great group at CCHS. Maybe a few of you might return to CCHS and build skills and memories for the future?

That would make my memories complete.

Good to hear from you if you have time.

Mr. G.

contact info is now

or , on



Michael L. Geesaman

The following pages are from the 2002 Yearbook.

Enjoy the memories!

All the pages, in order, for additional reminiscing: