Welcome to my Mobile Forecast: The Adaptive Learning Coach

I’m fascinated by the space where the digital portfolio meets the digital personal assistant and adaptive learning meet. If you watch any of the Iron Man movies and listen to Tony Stark’s artificially intelligent assistant Jarvis, you can clearly see the potential for an assistant that you can speak to naturally, can synthesize and prioritize massive amounts of information, and is truly mobile (even in the Iron Man suit!). While Jarvis was great help in making Tony Stark a success, I’m interested in exploring what it might look like if educators and learners had access to a platform capable of something similar.

I invite you to join me on an exploration of the possibilities of the Adaptive Learning Coach!

Author: Matt Wise

Matt has worked for more than 10 years working as an early childhood educator and currently serves as Educational Technology Coordinator at a medium sized K-12 school. In his years working with early learners, he was very fortunate to experience firsthand the importance of learning through play and experimentation and in particular the concept of an educator as an expert learner who facilitates learning through exploration and discovery. The importance of embedding instruction into whatever passions and interests students would bring, and nudging students forward into concepts and experiences important to their development. Vygotsky's concept of the “zone of proximal development” continues to form a key element of his training and daily practice, and identifying and capitalizing on opportunities for learning and growth forms the core of his professional practice.

This site was created as part of my graduate studies in the Master of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia. I have embedded audio recordings of the text into each page should you prefer to listen rather than read the contents, or read along as you listen. Enjoy!