What Does It Mean to Belong?
During the 2020-2021 school year, we adopted a blend of synchronous and asynchronous instruction to meet staffing and student needs. I found the Modern Classrooms PD extremely helpful to make that transition. Over the summer, I worked with other school leaders to design a back-to-school expedition that would teach many of the tech and organizational skills that students would need to be successful in this new environment.
Here are some of the resources I compiled for my colleagues (obviously lots borrowed from other amazing educators):
Expedition Overview
The slideshow below contains a visual organization of the different topics that students will explore. As you create unit overviews for your students, think about the lessons students will work through. Here are some questions to consider:
What prior knowledge will students need?
What should students be able to do by the end? How will they demonstrate mastery?
Best practice: build in multiple opportunities for feedback / revision of final products
Where are there opportunities for extension or remediation?
Best practice: sprinkle these activities throughout the unit, rather than leave them all for the end
Expedition Plan
The document below contains links to all of the lessons that students will complete during the first 8 days of school. All staff should complete the Digital Learning Lessons to familiarize themselves with the digital tools and platforms we'll be using.
Our guiding question is "What does it mean to belong?"