Continuous Improvement

As Instructional Guide in my Outward Bound school, I implemented continuous improvement cycles into our work plan by creating school-wide disaggregated data analytics of attendance, grades, and behavioral interventions. I regularly met with the Principal and AP to define our problem(s) of practice and create an action plan to address throughout the school year.

Root Cause Analysis

    • Based on the data analysis I collected, we noticed inequitable outcomes for males, students with IEPs, and Black/Latinx students. We created a fishbone diagram with potential root causes such as lower attendance, implicit bias, deficit thinking, unclear expectations, and lagging executive functioning skills. Below is an example of the type of analysis I created.

Theory of Action

    • We chose to focus on implicit bias & clear expectations around assessment. The theory of action goes backward from Student Outcomes --> Student Behavior --> Teacher Behavior --> Leadership Behavior

Professional Development

    • We utilized outside experts to lead staff development around implicit bias. I led staff PD for teachers to look at disaggregated data for their own students to

PDSA Cycles

    • We implemented a school-wide shift to mastery-based grading. Along the way, teachers gained a new understanding of formative and summative assessment.