KPI Expectations

(Updated as of March 2023)

KPI expectations that have been set for all Actriv Recruiters

Please see below for daily, weekly, and monthly KPI numbers we are expecting from each recruiter here at Actriv Healthcare. These KPI numbers will be pulled from the journal activity in CSS. Please remember that you must journal all interactions between you and your candidates. Please be sure to document all Calls including Prospecting calls, follow up calls, returned calls, Post hire follow up ect. We will also journal all interviews held, Hires completed, Lead generations and Emails. All other activities can be journaled such as mask fit test, drug screen completed, obra submission etc. It is up to the recruiter to enter these journal entries also as a way to show what the day looked like. Please be sure to always journal your activities daily. After hire we should be doing 7-day post hire and 30-day post hire follow up and Care calls. During post hire follow-up we will want to check in and either see why the hire has not worked or check in and ask how their experience has been so far. The post hire follow up and be entered in as a task in the journaling once hire is completed. I have slightly lowered the KPI numbers so we can get ALL recruiters hitting their KPIs and we will keep pushing those higher. The items listed below are the main entries we will be pulling but still ensure that all interactions are being journaled. 


Daily KPIs (5 days a week)

Weekly KPIs (4 weeks a month)

Monthly KPIs

Let's all push to exceed these numbers and push each other to better one another. With each other I know we can all hit these KPIs daily. If there are any concerns or questions, please get ahold of me. 


Brandon McCorkle

Regional Manager