Welcome to Acquisition's Incorporated (Ainc)

Basic Information and Rank Structure

Our community has existed in one form or another for over 8 years. We as a community hold to the following ideals and policy.

1. All members are 18 years of age or older.

2. All members are expected to hold them selves to a mature standard towards our members and any non members at all times in all circumstances.

3. AInc has a rank structure that will be adhered to at all times.

4. All new members are considered 01 Rank and my be removed or promoted within the group by an 03+ and 2 votes by supporting 03+ members.

5. All 01 members are to follow all directions given by any ranked member above them that does not conflict a standing policy or order given by an 03+

6. Once promoted to 02 Rank , members are expected to conduct them selves maturely without exception and to act in the interests of the group following all 03+ instructions. Inclussive of dropping all current activities and following directions given by senior members once they are online.

7. All 02 members may be demoted or promoted within the group by an 03+ and 2 votes by supporting 03+ members.

8. Once promoted to 03 Rank , members are expected to lead by example , and to take responsibility for day to day activities of the group were by they are the only 03+ online or are placed in charge of a squad operating seperately to the primary squad in server.

9. All 03s are expected to work towards what ever goal has been set for the week by 04+ members in what ever format they feel is appropriate. MICRO MANAGEMENT

10. All 03 members may be demoted or promoted within the group by an 03+ and 2 additional supporting 03+ members.

11. Once promoted to 04 Rank , members are expected to be CLEAR and CONSTANT leaders of the group - setting weekly tasks for the the 03's to achieve. Be it BASE RAIDING , BASE CONSTRUCTION , ASSEST DENIAL , ASSEST GAIN etc. In all other conditions , 04 Rank are to act as 03 until an 03 comes online , then they should be acting to support the 03s acting as 02s until otherwise needed. MACRO MANAGEMENT , NOT MICRO MANAGEMENT.

12. 04's may at any time VETO a proposed vote for promotion , demotion or exclusion from within group. 13. 05. STALKER. Power of VETO , supersedes 04s VETO votes.

Communication Rules

* COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL 1. Upon joining a channel , you are to keep silent , and wait 10 seconds before talking unless spoken to by channel members. This is to avoid talking over combat communuications. If you are not spoken to within 10 seconds , and you are unsure if channel is on combat comms , you are to ask " ARE WE CLEAR TO SPEAK " If the answer is YES , you fine to idle chat. If the answer is NO , combat comms is in effect.

2. At any time during idle chat within a channel , any member of that channel that calls " COMMS " , or " COMBAT COMMS " , All IDLE chat is to cease IMMEIDETELY. NO EXCEPTIONS. At this point. ONLY combat relative communications are to occur. If at any point it is unclear if COMBAT COMMS is still in effect , refer to rule1 of COMMUNCIATIONS PROTOCOL.

3. COMBAT INFORMATION All communications should be stated point form , and to the point. All references to a player should be by NAME and avoid ME , I etc. Example : MOVING Hostile Vehicle , Reference bearing 320 - Red two story house - adjacent to Mission center. This tells the channel a VEHICLE is onsite , The vehicle is MOVING , a reference bearing and a structure or landmark that can be used to narrow it down.

Example 2 : Hostile player near STALKER's DEAD BODY.

This tells the channel that a HOSTILE player is NEAR player STALKER's DEAD BODY. And that STALKER is dead.

Example 3. Guy on me ... guy on me ... This tells the channel - FUCK ALL. Dont do this.