05 - fOUNDER

Same and All Powers as Listed Below.


04: Senior Officer within AInc rank structure. At all times acts in same capacity as an 03 , However may at any time VETO any recommendation made by any other 03 in either direction. Is responsible for directing 03's from week to week , were by 03's are responsible for directing 02s and 01s on a day to day basis.


Considered " Trusted and Proven "

03: Responsible and Mature member of AInc. Unrestricted access to all channels. Unrestricted access to all storage.

Considered " Officer Class " May recruit - 01s May recommend for promotion / demotion 01's , 02's and 03's. Requires 2+ Votes supporting promotions / demotions for recommendation to come into effect.


Considered " New and unproven "

02: Proven trusted member of AInc. Access to all channels but 03+ restricted channels. Restricted access to related group storage.


01 : new to AInc. Restricted to public and basic channels. Zero access to any game related group storage.