Acquisition's Incorporated is recruiting pilots old and new,


Acquisition's Incorporated (AInc) has been around for the last 8+ years primarily as a Gaming Community.

We have Members across the Main timezone (Europe,US,AU)

In all games we have played in the past we have become respected members of the community and will do so here in EVE.

Basic Principles:

We as a community hold to the following ideals and policy.

1. All members are 18 years of age or older.

2. All members are expected to hold themselves to a mature standard towards our members and any non members at all times in all circumstances.

3. AINC has a rank structure that will be adhered to at all times.

Link to apply to corp is at the bottom of this page.

To be accepted into Acquisition's incorporated and have access to all the below services there are a few requirements we have.

you must have or be willing to immediatly train the Magic 14 Skills to level 3 these are:

CPU Management III

Power Grid Management III

Capacitor Management III

Capacitor Systems Operation III

Mechanics III

Hull Upgrades III

Shield Management III

Shield Operation III

Long Range Targeting III

Signature Analysis III

Navigation III

Evasive Maneuvering III

Warp Drive Operation III

Spaceship Command III

It is beneficial for you to train these further

Services We Offer

Friends and Fellow Pilots

EVE is not meant to be played alone, so make friends, join fleets and Forge Everlasting Bonds.

Ship Replacement program

Not Currently operating!

Corp will provide a replacement ship upon successful Process of your zkillboard note providing the fitting was corp approved and there are no abnormalities on the zkill.

corporate infrastructure

Utilising the Corps Infrastructure you will gain Access to the Following:

Access to stations and corp storage.

Access to Reprocessing Facilities

Access to Manufacturing and Research Facilities

Access to ORE Buyback Facilities

A Selection of Planets for Planetry Interaction

Moon Mining

Tired and Sad of mining Veldspar all day? our moon Mining Stations think the same, come join us and get tasty Moon Rocks.

Ore Buyback program

Looking for a convienent place to sell your ore without having to travel countless jumps to a trade hub?.

AINC offers it ore buyback in select AINC owned stations, head to one of those and drop your ore into your dedicated station container and get paid every monday.

Check Subpage for Further details on how this works

mining Fleet Boosting

Want to mine Better? Want to mine Faster?, we run boosts for fleets increasing your yield and decreasing the amount of time it takes you to earn ISK.

Freighter Service

Got stuff you need moving to a trade hub or other location?

The corp offers a freighter service to corp members which will move up to 1,000,000 M/3 of cargo.


  • 00-10 Jumps 25isk per M/3
  • 10-20 Jumps 50 isk per M/3
  • 20-30 Jumps 75 isk per M/3
  • 30-40 Jumps 100 isk per M/3

Skill training plans

Corp will create Fittings for ships which respective pilots can then skill into.

Corp Members can also get help with fittings and skills from other Corp Members.

New Members will have a detailed list of skills to train into the will enable them to pilot larger and more powerful ships.

To Join the Corp Search for Acquisition's Incorporated in Game or send a PM to:

  • James Cameron Skinner
  • Victor Tsasa
  • Lepro Incin
  • Willmahh
  • M55hv

Courtesy to Eve University Wiki for Information Gathered on Wiki Pages