2018 ACL Student Research Workshop Grant

Travel Grant

How to Apply for Travel Grant

A application form for SRW participants is distributed to authors of accepted papers. SRW participants seeking funding should complete that application.

If you have an accepted paper and you have not get the travel grant application, please contact acl-srw-2018-organizers@googlegroups.com.

Travel grant application deadline: May 23, 2018, 23:59 PST

Travel grant notification: May 25, 2018, 23:59 PST

Venue and Local Information

The SRW is a part of the ACL 2018. Please visit the main conference website for detailed information on following topics.

    • Venue / Accommodation (only limited number of student rooms are available)
    • Getting around
    • VISA invitation letter request for international participants

Student Volunteers

We strongly encourage all the student participants of SRW 2018 to apply for the student volunteer program. Free registration is available for selected student volunteer. Please apply here.


Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors, some funds are available for supporting student travel, registration, and accommodation.

Accepted participants will be contacted by workshop organizers with more details.

Four students sponsored!

Three students sponsored!

Twelve students sponsored! (US only)