2018 ACL Student Research Workshop

Program Committee

We have an excellent team of people reviewing for the SRW. We thank the following people for serving on the program committee:

Alexandar Konovalov, The Ohio State University

Alice Lai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Alina Karakanta, Saarland University

Alvin Grissom II, Ursinus College

Arun Chaganty, Stanford University

Avinesh PVS, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Bharat Ram Ambati, Apple Inc.

Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh

Brian McMahan, Rutgers University

Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Rochester Institute of Technology

Daisuke Kawahara, Kyoto University

Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, University of Pennsylvania

Daria Dzendzik, ADAPT Centre Dublin City University

Dat Quoc Nguyen, The University of Melbourne

David Bamman, University of California, Berkeley

Denis Newman-Griffis, The Ohio State University

Dirk Hovy, Università Bocconi

Edison Marrese-Taylor, The University of Tokyo

Ekaterina Kochmar, University of Cambridge

Eli Kiperwasser, Bar-Ilan University

Emily Prud'hommeaux, Rochester Institute of Technology

Enrico Santus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Eric Laporte, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

Facundo Carrillo, Buenos Aires University

Fan Bai, The Ohio State University

Farig Sadeque, University of Arizona

Fernando Alva-Manchego, University of Sheffield

Gabriel Stanovsky, Bar-Ilan University

Ganesh Jawahar, Inria

Gerald Penn, University of Toronto

Grzegorz Chrupała, Tilburg University

Haijing Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Haixia Liu, The University of Nottingham

He He, Stanford University

Hila Gonen, Bar-Ilan University

Isabelle Augenstein, University of Copenhagen

Ivan Vulić, University of Cambridge

Jacob Andreas, University of California, Berkeley

Jeenu Grover, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Jiang Guo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Julia Romberg, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Kalika Bali, Microsoft Research

Katira Soleymanzadeh, Ege University

Kevin Small, Amazon

Kuan-Yu Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Kurt Junshean Espinosa, University of Manchester

Maria Moritz, University of Göttingen

Marjan Ghazvininejad, University of Southern California

Markus Saers, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Matt Gardner, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Meishan Zhang, Heilongjiang University

Miguel Ballesteros, IBM Research

Mohammad Taher Pilehvar, University of Cambridge

Mohit Iyyer, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Nan Wang, University of California, Los Angeles

Natalie Schluter, IT University of Copenhagen

Nihal V. Nayak, Stride.AI

Nikola Mrkšić, University of Cambridge

Olivia Winn, Columbia University

Omnia Zayed, National University of Ireland Galway

Paul Michel, Carnegie Mellon University

Petr Babkin, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Prashant Mathur, eBay

R.Sudhesh Solomon, Indian Institute of Information Technology

Richard Sproat, Google Research

Roee Aharoni, Bar-Ilan University

Ryan Cotterell, Johns Hopkins University

Sabine Schulte im Walde, University of Stuttgart

Saif Mohammad, National Research Council Canada

Sandesh Swamy, Amazon Alexa

Sebastian Schuster, Stanford University

Shang-Yu Su, National Taiwan University

Shashi Narayan, University of Edinburgh

Shoetsu Sato, The University of Tokyo

Silvia García Méndez, University of Vigo

Sowmya Vajjala, Iowa State University

Stephen Roller, Facebook AI Research

Sudha Rao, University Of Maryland

Sudipta Kar, University of Houston

Sunayana Sitaram, Microsoft Research

Suraj Pandey, The Open University

Svitlana Volkova, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tanmay Chinchore, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology

Thomas Kober, University of Sussex

Tina Fang, University of Waterloo

Vasu Sharma, Carnegie Mellon University

Vasu Jindal, University of Texas at Dallas

Vivek Gupta, Microsoft Research

Vlad Niculae, Cornell University

Will Roberts, Humboldt University of Berlin

Wuwei Lan, Ohio State University

Yannick Parmentier, University of Lorraine

Yonatan Belinkov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yonatan Bisk, University of Washington

Yuan Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zhou Yu, University of California, Davis