2018 ACL Student Research Workshop

Submission Guidelines

Both research proposals and research papers are limited to 5 pages for content, with any number of additional pages allowed for references. Upon acceptance, authors will be allowed 1 additional page of content in order to incorporate suggestions from the reviewers. The papers should fit the following tracks:

  • Research Proposals may contain previously published work and must include specific research directions. They may also be in the style of a position paper that surveys and critiques existing literature, but must suggest future research directions. Proposals may only have one author, who must be a student.
  • Research Papers must describe original completed work or work in progress. Since the main purpose of presenting at the workshop is to exchange ideas with other researchers and to receive helpful feedback for further development of the work, papers should clearly indicate directions for future research wherever appropriate. The first author of multi-author papers must be a student, but additional co-authors need not be students. Research Papers are eligible for this workshop only if they have not been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Students who have already presented at a past ACL/EACL/NAACL Student Research Workshop may not submit to this track as a first author (though they may still be a co-author, or the first author of a Research Proposal). These students are instead encouraged to submit their work to the main conference or to the Research Proposal track. During submission, students must clearly indicate whether a paper has been submitted to another conference or workshop. One student can only submit one paper to the Research Papers track as a first author.

The first author of the papers **MUST BE** a student during the time of the workshop.

Pre-submission Mentoring Procedure

Paper drafts for pre-submission mentoring should be sent in the PDF format before February 26, 2018.

Pre-submission mentoring is not anonymous. The mentor will not review the final submission. Papers sent for pre-submission mentoring but not submitted via the electronic system (see the instructions below) by April 8, 2018, will not be reviewed.

For details on mentoring procedure see Mentoring.

Submission Procedure

All papers consist of up to five (5) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Upon acceptance, papers will be given six (6) content pages in the proceedings. Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewer's comments in their final versions. Submissions must conform to the specifications of ACL 2018 call for papers regarding multiple submissions and preparing papers for the double-blind review process.

Paper submissions must use the official ACL 2018 style templates.

All submissions must be in PDF format and must conform to the official style guidelines, which are contained in these template files.

To submit your paper or proposal, please use the Softconf START conference management system at https://www.softconf.com/acl2018/srw/

Multiple Submission Policy

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at ACL SRW 2018 must notify the program chairs whether the paper will be presented. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop in order for them to appear in the proceedings. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Double submissions to the ACL main conference and the Student Research Workshop are not allowed.

In the case of two different submissions, the authors must ensure that these submissions do not overlap significantly (> 50%) with each other in content or results.

Reviewing Procedure

The reviewing of the papers will be double-blind, so submission should not contain author information or self-identifying citations.

Reviewing will be managed by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs and a team of reviewers on the Program Committee. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance decision will be based on the results of the review.