Digital Reader’s Notebook Entry

For each book that you read, please complete a digital reader’s notebook entry. Your entry should include the title of the book, the author’s name, and the genre. Don’t forget to underline or italicize book titles. 

The first paragraph will be a summary (5-8 sentences).  You should use the summary organizers linked below to write your summary.  

The second paragraph should be your thinking (5-8 sentences).  Discuss some of the main characters. How did they change as the book progressed? Discuss the author’s message or central theme.  Use evidence from the text to support your thinking.  What did you learn about yourself as a reader? The most important part of your entry is your thinking. What did you learn from the book? How did it change you?

When you complete your entry, a classmate or I will check it and then give you a “book” to place above your name on the window. 

Use the following templates/rubric to create and write your summaries:

Fiction Summary Organizer

Non-Fiction Summary Organizer

Biography Summary Organizer

Digital Reader's Notebook Rubric

Sample DRN Entry:

Reading Blogs 2023-2024