Julien Godet

Dr. HDR in Materials Science

Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor)

University of Poitiers

Personal details

Address: Pprime Institute, Dept of Phys. & Mech. of Materials, UPR 3346 CNRS - Université de Poitiers, SP2MI, Bld M. et P. Curie BP 30179, 86962 Chasseneuil, Futuroscope Cedex, FRANCE

Institute web page

Research gate profil

Phone: +33 5 49 49 65 58

Email: julien.godet at univ-poitiers.fr

Born: June 8, 1978

Nationality: French

Career summary

Since Sep. 2007, Maı̂tre de Conférences HDR (Associate Professor) at the University of Poitiers (France).

My research is focused on mechanical propertiers of nano-objects (FCC metals and semiconductors) using atomistic methods (classical molecular dynamics

and DFT).

Hereafter a brief summary of my academic experience:

  • Co-coordinator of the Master degree in Materials Science
  • Vice president of the Scientific Expert Committee for Maı̂tres de Conférences
  • Grant: ANR - BiDuL 500000 euros
  • Scientific supervision: 3 PhD, 1 post-doc, 4 master degree internships
  • Co-organizer of 4 symposiums and workshop
  • Co-author of 3 book chapters, 23 articles, 11 proceedings
  • 5 invited talks, 5 invitations to give a lab seminar, 25 talks.


• Oct. 2001 - Sept. 2004 Ph.D. in Physics, specialty: Theoretical Material Science, University of Poitiers, France, Atomistic simulations of dislocation nucleation from surface defects in stressed silicon nanostructures. Supervisors: Dr. L. Pizzagalli and Dr. P. Beauchamp.

• Sept. 1999 to June 2001 Master degreePhysical and mechanical properties of materials’, University of Poitiers (France). Rank: first, with honors.

• Sept. 1996 to June 1999 Licence degree of Physics, University of Poitiers (France). Rank: first, with honors.


• Since Sep. 2007, Maı̂tre de Conférences (Associate Professor) University of Poitiers.

• Apr. - Aug. 2007, Post Doctoral position at the ’Institut des Nanosciences de Paris’ (Univ. Paris 6 & 7, CNRS), Simulation of oxide nano-objects. Supervisors: J. Goniakowski, F. Finocchi and C. Noguera.

• Oct. 2004 - Apr 2007, Post Doctoral position at ’Institut romand de recherche numérique en physique des matériaux (IRRMA)’, at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Study of Hydrogen properties (charged states of H, atomic configurations, energetics, diffusion mechanism,...) in semiconductor/amorphous- oxide interface system (Si/SiO2 interface, amorphous SiO2, amorphous Hafnium silicate) thanks to ab initio methods (DFT). Supervisor: Pr. A. Pasquarello.