
in reverse chronological order

Conferences & Workshops

Observational evidence that mergers in stellar multiple systems can create magnetism in massive stars

Contributed talk, IAU General Assembly Focus Meeting 8 (Advances and Challenges in Understanding the Solar and Stellar Dynamos) - August 2024

An interaction creates an enriched nebula around a massive magnetic binary system

Contributed talk, IAU General Assembly Focus Meeting 4 (Bridging the final stages of massive stars to supernovae and transients) - August 2024

Optical/IR interferometric astrometry: the key diagnostic when understanding complex massive binary systems

Contributed talk, IAU General Assembly Focus Meeting 11 (Multi-Wavelength Astrometry) - August 2024

Introduction to Astrophysics

Invited talk, Deep Learning IndabaX 2024 ‑ Ethical AI Horizons: Navigating the Impact and Future of AI Across Diverse Sectors - July-August 2024

A merger in a multiple system creates a magnetic field in a massive star

Contributed talk, 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium: The eventful life of massive star multiples - July 2024

Observations of a magnetic massive star that has formed from a stellar merger

Contributed talk, Fundamentals of Stellar Outflows: Celebrating and Amplifying the Scientific Life of Stan Owocki - July 2024

Massive stars from young to old using multiple techniques and observatories

Contributed talk, African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Annual Conference 2024 - April 2024

An interaction between the stars in a massive multiple system creates a magnetic field

Contributed talk, ESO workshop on Binary Stars - January 2024

Star formation and the origin of multiplicity - the individual stellar system perspective

Invited review talk, ESO Garching workshop - “Two in a million - The interplay between binaries and star clusters" - September 2023

The formation of massive multiple systems

Invited review talk, 3,2,1: Massive Triples, Binaries and Mergers 2023 - July 2023

Unmasking multiple stellar systems with the VLTI

Invited talk, EAS 2023 LS7 - July 2023

Observational evidence of mergers being a viable cause of magnetism in massive stars

Contributed talk, EAS 2023 S5 - July 2023

Observational evidence of a merger generating a magnetic field in a massive chemically peculiar star

Contributed talk, EAS 2023 SS21 - July 2023

Diversity & early career researchers - changing norms and moving towards a more inclusive field

Contributed talk, EAS 2023 SS34 - July 2023

Multiplicity and the massive star formation process

Invited talk, MIAPP - The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution (ImBaSE) conference - November 2022

(Spectro)interferometry as a probe of binary stars and their interactions

Workshop talk, MIAPP workshop - The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution (ImBaSE) - November 2022

Unmasking massive stellar systems with the VLTI – past, present and future

Contributed talk, EAS 2022 SS29 - July 2022

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in European Astronomy

Lunch session chaired by and ran by myself and with Dr. Holly Andrews on behalf of IDEEA. Involved a presentation, an exercise session using case-studies and a discussion. EAS 2022 SS34 - July 2022

Unveiling the formation of the most influential stars in the Universe using multi-scale infrared observations

Contributed talk, EAS 2022 S15 - July 2022

Linking the multiplicity and formation of massive stars to their influence at galactic scales

Invited talk, From Stars to Galaxies II - June 2022

Probing interacting massive stellar systems with infrared interferometry

Contributed talk, Sharpest Eyes on the Sky - Apr 2022

Tying the geometrical traits of massive young stellar objects and their discs to a potential evolutionary sequence

Contributed talk in Session 16 at at the European Astronomical Society's annual conference (EAS 2021), also chaired Session 16a - July 2021

Observational evidence of coalescence as a viable cause of magnetism in massive stars?

Contributed talk, International Conference OBA Stars: Variability and Magnetic Fields (STARS-2021) - April 2021

Contributed talk, TRiple EvolutioN and DYnamics 3 (Virtual Workshop) - also invited to be a session chair and presented a poster entitled 'Observational evidence of coalescence as a viable cause of magnetism in massive stars?' - March 2021

Observational evidence of coalescence as a viable cause of magnetism in massive stars?

Contributed talk, VFTS Meeting - March 2021

Contributed talk, ESO IR 2020, Virtual - Oct. 2020

Investigating the origins of a single magnetic star within a binary system

Contributed talk, MOBSTER-1 2020, Virtual - May 2020

Unveiling the traits of MYSOs using a high-resolution, multi-scale analysis

Contributed talk, StarformMapper Conference, York, UK - Sep. 2019

Contributed talk, From Stars to Planets II conference, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden - June 2019

Unmasking massive forming stars using mid-IR observations and 3D radiative transfer modelling

Contributed talk, Tracing the Flow: Galactic Environments and the Formation of Massive Stars, Windermere, UK - June 2018

Seminars & Lectures

Seminar at Monash University, December 2022.

A binary system with only one magnetic star - evidence of coalescence as a generator of magnetic fields in massive stars

Invited talk to the 'Stellar dynamics and evolution' group at Lund University, September 2022.

Interferometry as a probe of massive star formation and multiplicity

Seminar at Chalmers University, September 2022.

Massive stars, their formation and influence

Seminar at Lund University, September 2022.

Massive stars from young to old - an investigation with interferometry

Invited seminar at NSF’s NOIRLab (National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory)  Friday Scientific Lunch Talks, March 2022.

Probing the circumstellar structures of massive forming stars at high-angular resolution 

Invited seminar at ESO Santiago. July 2021.

Exploring the galaxy in the infrared

Invited review talk at the Leiden/ESA Program for Summer Students (LEAPS), a prestigious astrophysics research summer course run by Universiteit Leiden and the European Space Agency. July 2021.

Galactic astronomy 
from space - 
II. Infrared

Guest lecture for the MSc Space Science course (KU Leuven/Gent University). March 2021.

Massive stars from young to old - an investigation in the infrared

University of Exeter Seminar Series, November 2020.


"Physics Today (IOP) podcast"

Invited to discuss the results of my A&A letter on an interacting binary system that was thought to have a black hole 

Invited to discuss the results of my A&A letter on an interacting binary system that was thought to have a black hole

Invited to discuss a strange triple stellar system discovered with TESS based on this publication in this Youtube series.

"Infrared astronomy for everyone and worldwide 2022"

Companion outreach talk at a series for the IR 2022 conference - Feb. 2022

`Astrozoom' amateur astronomers association

Nov. 2020

"Infrared astronomy for everyone and worldwide!"

Companion talk at a series for the ESO IR 2020 conference - Oct. 2020

University of Leeds `Research Nights'

‘How do giants grow? Where the most massive stars in our universe come from’ - Nov. 2018