Mentoring & Organisation

European Astronomical Society 2024

I am an SOC member of the EAS special session SS20 entitled 'The VLTI in the ALMA, JWST and ELT era.'

In August 2023, I was on the local organising committee (LOC) for the 2-day ESO workshop "Three is not a crowd - multiple companions as the cause or cure for binary star problems".

European Astronomical Society 2023

In 2023, I was an SOC member of the EAS special session SS34 entitled 'Early career astronomers and their supporters'.

As a member of Astronomers For Planet Earth, I helped to organise their first symposium (2022) which ultimately attracted 600 attendees from around the world. I designed the logo for the conference and engaged in the scientific organisation.

European Astronomical Society (EAS) Inclusion Working Group (IWG)

In 2022, I was a member of the EAS IWG. I was involved with running the diversity and inclusion days at the annual meetings of the European Astronomical Society and working with their council on issues of diversity within European astronomy. IDEEA also collaborated with the IWG on the organisation of a EAS 2022 lunch session. 

IR 2022

I was a co-chair, scientific organising committee (SOC) and virtual organising committee (VOC) member of the conference IR 2022 which occurred between 14-18th February 2022. The conference followed on from the successful ESO IR 2020 meeting. Following my involvement in that conference, I was invited to assist in organising the next instance of the conference. The focus of this meeting was discussing how ground-based IR observations have progressed since the last meeting and how synergy between ground-based facilities and the now-launched JWST can help propel our understanding of the IR universe.

During my postdoc at KU Leuven I supervised a PhD student whose project concerns interferometry of MYSO binaries. I have also supervised two bachelors students.

Organisation-wise, between 2021 and 2023 I also ran the ERC-MULTIPLES journal club.

PENTA by `She Speaks Science'

She Speaks Science is an organisation that seeks to encourage fresh perceptions about science and success, help young people build a positive STEM identity and promote women and minority scientists. PENTA is She Speaks Science’s 5-month mentorship programme and I was awarded a place on the 2021 launch program. Within the program I was mentored by a professor of astrophysics whilst I mentored a prospective PhD student and attended group meetings with the whole community.

Throughout my PhD I co-supervised a masters student, providing mentorship in the development of their radiative transfer modelling skills. Additionally I mentored senior-school students through a work-experience program. The students would visit the department for a week, working with and learning from a PhD or postdoctoral researcher and present a poster at the end of their week in a mini-conference for the whole department.