MOBSTER-1 virtual conference

Stellar variability as a probe of magnetic fields in massive stars

12-17 July 2020

Welcome to the 1st MOBSTER Collaboration Conference: Stellar variability as a probe of magnetic fields in massive stars

MOBSTER (Magnetic OB[A] Stars with TESS: probing their Evolutionary and Rotational properties) is an international collaboration aiming to leverage photometric data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to better characterise and understand magnetic stars in the upper H-R diagram. It also aims to identify new magnetic candidate stars for which spectropolarimetric follow-up observations can be obtained. Therefore, MOBSTER has many ties to the massive star, stellar magnetism, binary and asteroseismology communities, including working groups 4 (AF stars) and 5 (OB stars) of the TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium (TASC), and other large collaborations such as MiMeS and BinaMiCS.

For a closer look at MOBSTER publications to date, click here.


In these extraordinary times of isolation and quarantine, we aim to provide an amenable replacement for a face-to-face conference in the format of a virtual conference. Our goal is to maximise interaction between early-career researchers and provide them with the opportunity to present their work to a wide scientific audience. Such an experience is vital for career development and current travel bans prevent everyone from carrying out professional networking.

The scientific scope of the MOBSTER-1 conference includes all astrophysical “themes” related to massive stars, with a specific focus on how they interplay with current research on the origin and impact of magnetic fields. This virtual conference will focus on five themes that were identified as lying at the intersection between the science cases of the MOBSTER Collaboration and of the general massive/intermediate-mass star community.

Furthermore, we will adhere to the IAU code of conduct. Please take a moment to review these guidelines as needed prior to registration. Finally, we hope this event can help restore some sense of normalcy and bring our community together in spite of current events, while being conducive to fruitful scientific exchanges. We look forward to hosting you online!

Main scientific themes:

  • Binarity: e.g. binarity of massive stars in TESS data, the BinaMiCS project, tidally induced pulsations, etc.

  • Asteroseismology: e.g. asteroseismology of intermediate- (A) and high-mass (OB) stars, seismic diagnostics for (interior) magnetic fields, etc.

  • Magnetic characterisation: e.g. spectropolarimetry, photometric identification of magnetic stars, surveys of magnetic stars, magnetic stars across the HR diagram, spectroscopic characterisation of magnetic stars, etc.

  • Evolution: e.g. aspects of stellar evolution related to the other topics, origins of magnetism in massive stars, star formation, etc.

  • Rotation, winds & outflows: e.g. intrinsic variability of stellar winds (CIRs, DAC), spotted stars and rotational modulation, magnetospheres, etc.

Important dates:

  • 29 April: Registration and Abstract Submission open

  • 29 May: Abstract Submission Deadline

  • 19 June: Contributed talks announced and full program published

  • 6 July: Registration Deadline

  • 12-17 July: MOBSTER-1 Virtual Conference