Instructions for Talks and Posters

Abstract submission is now closed.

On 19 June 2020 the full program was published.


To avoid any major technical issue regarding connectivity, talks will be pre-recorded and live-streamed during their assigned schedule block. Questions will be moderated via a live chat and there will be opportunities for face-to-face interactions throughout the week.

To pre-record your video, you can use any available screen capture technology. One free, useful tool that falls under this category is ApowerREC (the "free" option must be selected at download). At the bottom of this page, there is a video tutorial on how to use this program (although some options might be a bit different for the free option). Please make sure to save your video in one of the 3 following formats: .mp4 (preferred), .flv or .avi. Zoom can also be used to produce "local recordings"; for more information click here.


To prepare posters, please prepare a regular A0 format poster (either in portrait or landscape layout) and save it to a .pdf file. Poster presenters are also allowed a 2-minute poster talk, to be prepared as explained above. Additionally, poster presenters will host a Zoom meeting during their allotted poster session; please make sure to schedule a meeting ahead of time and send us the link (by email). Links for each poster session "meeting room" will not be published online, to avoid e.g. "Zoom-bombing", but will instead be emailed to all registered participants prior to each session.

Upload instructions

Both talks and posters must be uploaded at least 48 hours prior to the session in which they will be presented. This will give us time to verify submissions and organize everything ahead of time. Contributions that are not uploaded on time might not be shown. They can be uploaded directly to our Dropbox account by using the buttons below and following the instructions. Please format the file names as follows:


where "xx" should be replaced by:

  • "it" for an invited talk;

  • "ct" for a contributed talk;

  • "pt" for a poster talks; and

  • "po" for a poster.

Scheduling and talk duration

Finally, please make sure to respect time limits for all types of talks. Talks that go over the allotted time will be truncated to allow the live question period to occur normally and on schedule. Time limits are as follows:

  • Invited talks: 25 minutes

  • Contributed talks: 15 minutes

  • Poster talks: 2 minutes

The first two types of talks will be followed by 5 minutes of live Q&A, during which the speaker should already be connected to answer questions.

It is each presenter's responsibility to ensure that they properly account for time differences.

Additional tip: when preparing either a talk or a poster talk, it might be useful to build in some blank space on one side of your slides, so that, for instance, a column of Zoom videos can be placed there without interfering with the contents of the slides.